Olivera looked out of the window, her eyes which were scanning the contours of the plains, were ladened with worry and skepticism.
Did Raul travel to never return? Did he abandon his people? No, that can't be. Raul had never given off vibes like that. He always seemed sturdy and firm, aware and confident of what he was doing, where he was going to, and his company.
So what could be wrong? He wasn't back yet. Why wasn't he back to the pack with his beta, Roland? It's been five weeks, four days and thirteen hours.
Well, she wasn't sure about the hours, since she had been too busy reeling from excitement when he had left for this particular journey with Roland, and so hadn't been able to calculate the exact hour he had left. But that wasn't the point of contention. The pont was that he wasn't back. He had told her that he would be here in three days. This was five weeks for goodness sake!