
With Raul's sharp gaze landing on Olivera, and everyone following the same, Olivera cussed Raul in her thoughts, or so she had thought.

When she saw the smirk on Raul's lips, she knew that it had come out aloud. She cussed again, especially as she now remembered the plant. It was the particular flower-less one that she had first seen, or rather that had grabbed her and had called for her attention the first time she had been in Nick's place.

Nick was sure to be happy then. The plant had surely grown out of bounds for a flower in a flower pot. But what was that got to do with her? Jeremy didn't know too, but the other three in the room seemed to have an inkling.

"Nick had come to see me sometime after you had arrived at the pack, with this pot of flower which he claimed had been magical, which he claimed had sprouted as soon as it had seen you." Raul started, and my ears perked up.