Jacob’s Return IV

Kendalf smiled, liking the fact that Sarah was an avid reader. It made the explanation process easier on them. If not, how could he have enumerated their qualities without coming off as an egocentric personality?

"In history, the ancients are not portrayed as purely evil or malevolent beings. While they have a dark and dangerous side, they also possess a sense of honor and a desire to protect those they care about. They often act as guardians and mentors to younger ones, guiding them and imparting their wisdom. However, the ancients are not without their flaws and vulnerabilities. Despite their immense power, they can still be wounded and killed, although it takes a significant amount of force to do so. They are also susceptible to the same weaknesses as other vampires, such as sunlight and a good dose of silver." Sarah concluded, about to ask Jacob to continue his story, when Jeremy asked her immediately the difference then, between vampires and ancients.