He is coming. Hide!

Liam took the child and ran. Haru had stopped purring and looked around vigilantly. She didn't know what was happening, but Liam's reaction told her that something terrible was about to happen.

Liam was pretty good with direction, but at this moment, he felt a little aggrieved because he could figure out where to go. After all, he hadn't fully explored the place and only knew a fraction of the tunnel system.

He took a random turn and soon found himself at a dead end.

"Damn it!"

The situation was quite bad. Liam and the other two would die if he didn't get out in time.

He rushed back to the previous intersection and looked at Haru.

She looked at Liam curiously and smelled the anxiety. She turned and looked around but found nothing to get him this troubled.

After all, she didn't know and hadn't experienced the explosion of the other guy. She could feel something was wrong with the man, but she didn't understand what it was. So she just followed Liam.