Is the real city down there?

Haru had smelled something familiar. However, she wasn't sure what it was, so she decided to find out.

The Daylight Dreams did nothing to her as she could sleep when and wherever she wanted. It was good that most of the world slept when the Daylight Dreams came, but as always, there were exceptions to this matter. Haru used this time mostly to guard Liam. She was sure that no one would be able to attack Liam when she was around, and she was also sure that Liam would also be able to handle himself perfectly.

But this time, she smelled something that Liam had on him, but it was also coming from somewhere else. She didn't like the smell at all, as the smell kept being a reminder of her weakness. The time she was almost bleed dry, and Liam had to use so many pressious resources to heal and wake her up.