•In the hospital•

The weather was wet and scary. Lightnings are keep on striking in the sky like they can destroy anyone who comes between their paths. The rain was lashing down on the deserted road mercilessly. Darkness was surrounding everywhere. The strong wind was also flowing furiously as if someone has angered him up to death. The whole environment is very frightening as well as thrilling. It was still 1 O' clock during the mid night time. At this hour Victon and his mother Mrs. Victoria Rion both are returning from a birthday party of the city's mayor's son. It has already gotten very late and the weather was also at it's worst state.

But after driving for sometimes the fifteen years old Victon just saw someone who was laying on the roadside they are passing due to the light that was producing by the heavy lightening.

"Mom, stop the car!!!" He almost yelled. "Look, there is someone laying on the road side." He told his mom with his shock filled voice, who was driving the car only focusing on the road. Hearing out her son's voice she immediately stopped the car.

"Where my son?" She asked becoming worried slightly.

"Over there..." He said by pointing his fingers towards the laying person. When she spotted the person immediately she turned around the car and drove towards that laying person.

On the otherside there was a small timid girl laying on the roadside and was in the unconscious state. When they both reached near her they saw how pathetic her condition was actually.

The mud has been covered all over her body. The fresh bruises can be seen easily even in this rate of darkness. Her cloth was torn and feet are empty. It seems like she hasn't eaten for many days. She was looking very thin and vulnerable and they both just didn't liked the sight in front of them even a bit.

By looking at the sight in front of him Victon doesn't know why but an unknown unbearable pain as well as anger he started to felt inside his heart. Then they checked her pulse which was already becoming very slow. If she doesn't gets any treatment immediately she might die any time soon. They both become so worried by looking at her. So without wasting any more time they lifted her up and placed her inside the car.

Mrs. Rion sat on the driver seat and started driving to the nearest hospital as soon as possible while Victon had just put her head on his lap and her body is lying on the back sheet very comfortably and he just keep on stroking her cheeks slightly. After sometime he brought out his handkerchief from his pocket and started to wipe out the mud from her face very slowly and gently.

When he has done cleaning her face, for some seconds his breath got hitched by looking at the sight in front of him. Even though she looks vulnerable but her beauty can't be denied by him at any cost. She was looking so pretty in her sleeping state and according to him she is the most prettiest girl he had ever seen. At that moment he just couldn't able to take off his eyes from her angelic face. 'God knows how she will look when she will open her eyes.' His subconscious mind started to thought and instantly he felt some type of connection with that girl.

While he was lost in his own thoughts he didn't know when they reached at the hospital. It's still raining but they didn't stop. They quickly brought her to the hospital and admitted her in the ICU.

"Doctor treat her as soon as possible." Mrs Rion told the doctor very seriously but the urgency can be seen very clearly in her voice.

"Yes, mam...there is no need to worry. We will try our best to save her. Just wait for sometimes."

"Ok doctor..."


She got up with a very heavy headache and severe body pain with so much hunger. She have not eaten for at least three days she thought. With that those dreadful memories are again keep on coming back to her mind. Those are like her nightmares which were forever going to hunt her and there is no way she thinks she can escape.

Sighing helplessly with that state of hers she tried to got up but again felt those pains all over her body and a large groan managed to escape from her mouth. Then only she realised that she is in a hospital room right now.

"Who brought me here? The last thing I remember that I was in the van with those monsters and they throw me out of the van to the muddy roadside like I'm some type of trash." She mumbled to herself unable to understand who had brought her here. Before the state of unconsciousness she was suffering from unbearable pain due to her fresh bruises and after sometime when she was unable to bear any more pain she passed out then and there.

By hearing out her painful groan the nurse came inside the room hurriedly. When she saw her eleven years old self, her worried expression instantly turned into an soft and gentle one. The nurse still couldn't believe that this small girl had to suffer this much of cruelty for god knows what reason.

"Dear when did you got up?" The nurse asked her in a very softest tone she had ever used.

"Umm...just now..." She replied her shyly.

One of her bad nature according to her was, she can't easily gets comfortable with new people. It takes her some time to cope up with the situation. But once she gets fully comfortable, the people around her will just love to have her near them always.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Stella...Stella Halston..." She again replied nervously.

"Wow...such a pretty name for a pretty girl." The nurse complimented truthfully.

"Um...Thank you!..." She again replied in the same manner.

"You must be feeling hungry, let's feed you something dear."

When she told her to eat something her hunger just got doubled. The nurse placed a small table on her bed in front of her while she was sitting on the bed now. She placed different types of delicious and healthy dishes in front of her. Unable to control herself anymore I started to eat one by one untill she got fully satisfied and full. It felt heavenly after eating something after so many days.

Then the nurse took those plates away and said, "Stella dear, two persons who brought you here will come to meet with you within few minutes. Now let's just apply medicines on your bruises."

Stella just slightly nodded at her and the nurse started applied medicines on her bruises. At that time she just keep on wondering who are those two persons while hissing occasionally in pain. The bruises and wounds are still very fresh on her body.

'What if they are the monster uncles. No no that can't be possible. Why will they brought me to the hospital while all they wanted me is to die only.' She thought inside her mind while from the outside she started trembling in fear. Even the nurse can able to sense her shivering in fear.

'No I don't want to see them again in my whole life.' She was praying in her mind but suddenly she came back to reality when the nurse asked her worriedly, "What happened Stella dear? Are you ok? Why are you trembling so much? Is everything alright?"

" Can you tell me sister who are those persons?" She asked her still trembling slightly because in no way she was ready to face them.

"They are very nice persons Miss Stella. One is the mother and another one is her son. They were the one who found you on the road side laying unconscious. So without any further delay they brought you here." The nurse replied and then only Stella released a sigh of relief and was thanking to god because she won't have to face those monsters any more.

Till then the nurse has completed applying medicines on her bruises and wounds. After that she gave her after meal tablets and told her to rest for sometime and even said that, when both mother and son will come she will wake her up and will inform her about them. With that she again went to sleep with a heavy headache once again.

On the otherside Both Victon and his mother have finally arrived at the hospital. Previous night after admitting Stella doctor had suggested them that they should go to home for rest and again come back in the morning. There is no need to worry about that girl. They can be able to take care of her very well. So they headed for their home and again at 12 O' clock in the noon they returned back for Stella. Mrs. Rion had also brought some cloths and some other accessories for her.

"Mrs. Rion I was waiting for you. She has woken up already but I have given her the medicine that's why she is having some rest. If you want to see her then you can go inside now. By the way her name is Stella Halston." Said the nurse to Mrs Rion.

"Ok sister!"...


To Be Continued...