•How dare she!•

His look was saying everything and I'm damn sure that he knows what I'm thinking in my mind while chuckling at his current situation.

And this intese look of his deep blue eyes just made me frozen at my place and made me wondered that why the hell he is not picking up his call instead busy in giving me this type of look making me feel the butterflies inside my tummy. But I just didn't expected him to tell me something like this,

"I'm sorry. I...I had no intention of doing this with you." What! Did he just apologized me for this kiss? Like seriously! Can you believe the great Victon Rion is apologizing me and also just stammering at his words for the very first time! But wait... did...did he regretting kissing me? This statement of him just managed to made my heart tore into millions of pieces. Then again he continued, "Just forget about this unfortunate incident because it was just a mistake."

"What! It means you don't mean it V?" This time I couldn't hold myself anymore and burst out on him angrily but it didn't affected him even a bit and replied without caring about my feelings even a bit, "Yes, I didn't mean it. Do you understand? I DIDN'T MEAN IT." He said emphasizing each and every word.

Here my heart ached so bad that I just don't know what to say further. Anger was still erupting from me like a volcano, and I also told him in the very same way, "Ok, if you say so V. But one thing you should remember that if I got any chance to go out for date with him then this time I will surely kiss him directly on his lips."

"Don't you even dare, Stella." He warned me in his dengerously low voice while his expression has been turned dark instantly.

"Why will it even matter to you V? You said it was just a mistake but this time I will make sure not to make any mistake by kissing him on his cheek." I fired back him with my words and I didn't expected to get successful in this.

Then he again chuckled very darkly making me feel shiveres all over my body but in a very good way. "And if you dare my Reina then you will not believe me what will I do with you. Just be in your limits and don't forget that my eyes are on you everytime wherever you are going. So just print it in you mind and don't even dare to think that you can kiss someone else other than me!"

"What? What will you do huh? I know you will not do anything to hurt me and I'm very much of sure about that." I said him challengingly but deep down only I know how I'm feeling right now. I just love this side of him and because of that I'm so so happy today. But wait! why did he said that I can't kiss anyone other than him?

"Reina, don't argue with me anymore. Just obey me and go to your room now." This time he used his softest tone I have ever heard. And god! I think I'm gonna melting down completely. I love him so much that I want to kiss him and feel him against my lips again and again.

"But V..."

"Shhh...do you want me to kiss you again my Reina to shut you up?" He told me shamelessly in a very husky voice. Of course I will want him to kiss me again but I just can't express that in front of him and because of his words I just turned into a human tomato instantly. I can't even remember when he had last time talked to me very sweetly and at the same time very romantically. I can even die to hear out this voice from him.

First time... it's my first time that Victon is asking me to do something. How can I disobey him. If he tells me not to talk with any other boy then without any objection I will do that gladly. But I don't know why is he not telling me anything about his feelings for me.

I'm also feeling that deep down in his heart he likes me, but can't get sure about it. Why V, why it is very difficult for you to express your feelings for me? Why? I badly wanted to know it's answer but unfortunately I just can't.

"No no, don't worry I'm going." I said shyly and the blush was still evident on my cheeks. With that without looking behind me I just straighly ran towards my room and closed the door behind me. But all this while I could feel his stare while a wicked smirk was plastered on his lips. My heartbeats is not slowing down anytime soon.

I...I still was unable to believe that I just got my life's first kiss and that to be from the man of my dreams. Then I just closed my eyes while leaned on the closed door of my room only to savouring that sweet moment that happened between us. I couldn't help but just blushed and smiled while remembering the incident. Then I got to my bed and took out my secret bestfriend who is non other than the diary which I had placed under the pillow from the previous night. Then I started to write on it about today's incident.



3rd Person's POV,

"Actually I was thinking, can we go out for a date this weekend?" He asked Stella nervously. 'I knew it, I knew it that he will again ask me to go for a date with him. But I know what to do.' She thought to herself and then replied,

"Sorry, Ryan...you know we are not a couple, then why are you tagging our outing as a date. And moreover I'm sorry. I can't make it this weekend. May be some other time?" She said in a very polite manner. She just couldn't bear to offend him with out any reason. All this while he was nothing but only very kind towards her.

"Why, Bella? I mean will you be busy with something this weekend?" He asked her.

"Yeah, actually I have came up with some new designing ideas. So I will be very busy with mama and her office related works. You know how much she means to me." She knew whatever she just told him was the partial truth but she had no other choice. She can't go against Victon this time, and also all her friends knows about her designing skills very well. So it's not very hard for them to believe on her lies. Although sometimes she helped mama with her official works, but this weekend she was totally free. But she couldn't tell Ryan about this otherwise he will get upset on her which she doesn't wanted to happen at any cost.

"Don't worry Ryan, take her for the outing on next weekend." Lisa suggested him. The she just sighed helplessly and thought, 'How will I make them understand that I can't ever go out with him or any other boy?'

"Yeah, you're right Lisa. So we will go for outing in your words on the next weekend." He just declared this news with out asking her opinion. She couldn't understand what to do at that time and that's why she just nodded her head getting agreeing with him. Then he smiled at her which she gladly returned to him. After that all of them did some random talks and finished their lunch, then they all headed for their next class.

When they reached the class that time she heard some group of girls of her class were taking about the upcoming football match of their school. That peeked her interest and because of that she stood there for a while to listen to their conversation and at the same time she acted like she is busy with her phone. No one has doubted on her. The teacher will also come about after five minutes so she just remained stood there near the group of girls and both Lisa and Nancy went to sit on their respective seats.

"You know Lara that upcoming football match is on next Saturday. OMG I can't wait anymore for that day. I can only imagine that how will Luther look on that day. He always looks so hot and sexy during his every football match taking every girl's breath away. Ohh my god Lara, I will surely cheer for him a lot and will make him notice me on that day anyhow." Lucy stated dreamily while taking Lara's name. Stella couldn't help but feel a very strong jealousy towards her. She wanted nothing but to strangle her up to death. How dare she talk about his Victon like this!...


To Be Continued...