•Dream vs reality•

He also regretted so bad but he knew if he wouldn't had do this with her then she might just expect more from him which he didn't wanted p to happen right now.

On the other side she knows what he is thinking and that's why she didn't showed any reaction to him. She has gotten used to his cruel words so it's nothing for her. After sometimes he also averted his gaze and started to eat the food. No doubt the dishes are tasting delicious as always but he had not that courage to appreciate her work openly so he just decided to show it with his actions by finishing all the foods she had served him. She was also eating with him while no one is trying to make a conversation.

She slightly got happy to see his empty plate and satisfied expression and it did helped her to lift up her mood a little but still his words were ringing in her ears making her sad once again. After the dinner they got up and without saying anything he just headed towards his room. She also didn't expected any types of praising about the food from him because he never did that so. She never had imagined that this evening would turn out to be like this. With a sad filled sigh she just placed all the utensils in the kitchen sink and returned to her room like that.

When she got there she again started to write about today's incidents in her secret diary. Then unknowingly started to cried so badly. 'How can he even managed to form those hurtful words in his mind? How? Didn't he thought even for a bit about my feelings. Didn't he thought how much it will hurt me by listening to his cruel words. Wasn't he the one who told me that no one can kiss me other than him then why V why? What caused you to change your mind so suddenly?' She thought still crying so hard. This time she freely let her tears slid down through her cheeks because she knew no one is there to wipe out those tears and she has to do that alone by herself.

Then after sometimes for the very first time in her life she just drifted off to sleep without taking any sleeping pills.


She felt that someone is caressing her cheeks lovingly while tucking her hair strands behind her ears. She liked that touch so much that she instantly got addicted to it. The touch was sinfully satisfying and if possible she started to lean more towards that touch to feel them. Then she suddenly felt a lingering kiss on her forehead, it stayed there for sometime. Then shifted to her cute pointy nose, then to her both soft cheeks, and at last on her lips. When those lips were crashed onto hers she got startled a bit. She knew the owner of the kiss very well. 'Can it really be him? Is it real or I just dreaming about it.' She thought still in her sleeping condition. Then after kissing her passionately the person just drifted apart from her and she really thought it was real.

And suddenly she opened her eyes only to found no one is there in her room. Then she thought it must be a dream because most of the time she is dreaming about him and it's not something new to her. But she had never seen him kissing her in the dream. It's for the first time she saw something like this, otherwise in her dreams she always saw him getting angry on her or scolding her or ignoring her like she doesn't exist for him.

Then she again thought, can it be real? But why would he come and kiss her in the middle of the night? It was already 1 O' clock. Then she just got up and drank some water to calm down her racing hear for a bit. But suddenly she smell those intoxicated cologne of him. She recognises his scent very well. Yes, she couldn't be wrong. Was he really here?

With that confusing mind she was just about to go back sleep again but something caught her eyes. The curtains of the balcony doors of her room are wide open and the moonlight is clearly reflecting on her face. But how can this happen? She clearly remembers that she had closed those screens then who opened them? No no it can't be true. Then without thinking anything she directly headed towards his room. When she reached in front of his door she just knocked it but no one answered it. Then she slightly pushed the door and it get opened easily. After that she just tried peep into his room because he has strongly restricted her to enter into his room. She just couldn't understand why?

"What are you doing here!" She heard him roaring at her from her behind and she got startled slightly. And then finally she turned around to face him.

"I came here to tell you something V." She said.

"And what is that you want to tell me at this hour that you couldn't wait till the morning huh?" He asked getting slightly annoyed.

"V someone had barged into my room you know?"



"How can you so sure about it?" He asked her holding a little smirk on his face as if now he has started to enjoying the conversation between them.

"Because before I slept I had closed the curtains of my room but suddenly I wake up because I felt like someone was there. And my assumptions are right. Because the curtains are wide open at that time and the moonlight was directly hitting on my face."

Then she saw him murmuring something under his breath while scratching his head nervously in the process. It's like he is cursing himself very bad. It's weird.

"What happened V? Do you know who the person was?" She asked him furrowing her eyebrows a little.

"Ahh...no no I don't know anything about it. You may be imaginings things. May be you had really left open the curtains before you sleep, and you couldn't remember that! And moreover who can dare to trespass our villa. There are lots of guards who are guarding outside."

"No, V. I swear there was really someone was present. I'm one hundred percent sure about it."

"Don't worry I will ask the guards about this matter. Did you see any types of robbery in your room?"

"No. I don't think so."

"Don't think about it more Reina. Don't worry I will make sure no one can trespass your room ok! Now go to your room and sleep well." He stated calmly.

Now her doubt has increased more than before. How can he remain so calm after hearing this all. The person who gets angry over the fact that she is talking with other boys, how can he remain calm on this news that someone was really inside her room and if possible he is trying to avoid this topic as much as possible. That's why she asked him directly, "Where were you V?"

"I was in the kitchen...wait! Are you doubting on me Reina?" He asked while his right hand index finger is indicating to himself.

"No, I was just asking. Nevermind. Ok I'm going. Good night V." With that she was about to leave the place because right now she was totally confirmed that the person is non other than Victon and she also know that how much she will try he is not gonna tell her the truth infact he may find some heartbreaking words to tell her and she was not ready to listen those words again from his mouth, but suddenly she felt that he was holding her hand from behind to stopping her to go further.

"You can't go like this Reina! Tell me were you doubting on me?" He asked her gritting his teeth as if he is trying very hard to control himself. Now she got completely shocked. She didn't expected it to come like this. What exactly is he wants to hear out from her?

"I said 'no' V. Don't you understand." I said to avoid the conversation between them so that he won't spill any hurtful words to her once again.

"No, I don't understand. Make me understand Reina. Tell me why did you ask me like that in a doubting manner." Now his face was even more closer to her own face and it's already become so difficult for her not to lean into his chest and hug him so tight. He was just doing impossible things with her body without him even trying.

So unable to control herself anymore she bursted out on him so suddenly, "WHAT DO YOU WANT TO LISTEN FROM ME V? THAT I FELT THAT YOU ARE THE ONE WHO ENTERED THROUGH MY BALCONY AT THIS LATE HOUR OF NIGHT AND AFTER DOING YOUR WORK YOU JUST LEFT LIKE NOTHING HAS HAPPENED..." She was saying getting furious all over but he suddenly cut her off asking her the most unexpected question while an amusing grin was present on his devilishly handsome face,

"Care to explain what did you mean by 'DOING YOUR WORK' Reina?"

Stella, "....."


To Be Continued...