•Pain and fear•

But they didn't stopped there and someone kicked her from behind as a result she straighly went and her head got collided with the nearest wooden bench in the darkness. She just screamed in pain at that time and no one had any idea that what had actually happened with her because they all also unable to see anything in that darkness. But whatever the matter but Stella's scream was just sounding like a melodious music to their ears.

On the other side when Stella reached for her head she felt the warm liquid on her fingers and from that she could tell that blood is oozing out from the wound if her head. Then someone again turned on the flashlight for some second to see where is she and when they got to know they immediately turned off the light in the next second and marched towards her directly to kick and punch her once again.

Again someone dragged her up by her hair and slapped hard on her face and at the same time someone attacked her from behind with a kick and another one just slapped her another cheek so badly. The fight went on and the five girls keep on attacking Stella in the darkness and vice versa. Stella was also not sitting silently by enduring the pain and she tried to attack them as well as much as she could. But still somehow they managed to dodge some of her attacks.

But suddenly she felt something different and they are not attacking her but we're trying to do something else. Then she realised that they all are trying to tie her hands but why? and that to be by a handcuff. But she didn't let them do that and keep on defending herself and if possible tried to beat them also but what can she do more against those five girls in a very dark room? So finally they just got successful in handcuffing hands from behind.

"Girls, now turn on the flashlights." Someone ordered and another one turned on the light.

"Now tie up her legs." The same girl ordered and she tried to struggle as much as she could. She even kicked all of them at least once and they all kicks were quite painful for them and due to that the got more furious and forcefully tried to control her so that they can get success in their work. And finally they tied her legs successfully.

"Now bring out the scissor." Then one girl brought out the scissor from her bag. "Now cut down her dress." The main girl ordered. It was like they had planned all these things to do with her.

"What you all are doing. Leave me! I said just leave me!" She roared at them furiously while trying to get herself free from the handcuff and the rope that was tied around her ankles. But they didn't listened to any of her words and what they did next with her that made her shocked to the core. They started to cut her skirt into pieces. The skirt is now hardly reaching below her butt. But they didn't stopped there and started to cut the both hands of her shirt. Then they rip out all the buttons of my shirt exposing her fully and the only inner garment was on display over her body. 'How could they do this to me? Are they even girls?' She thought inside her mind while crying so bad at that time because the humiliation was just too much for her. And most importantly she doesn't know the reason that why are they doing this with her. She just screamed for help but no one listened to her. She knew no one will ever come for her rescue at this hour because that classroom was the most secluded place of the whole school. So why anyone will bother to come here and help her except those five heartless girls? She is now completely a crying mess. She was just looking so vulnerable and pathetic that the other five girls just started to laughing at her so loudly.

"Let's take some pictures of her guys." Again the same girl ordered others and they all did that gladly. They all started to click her pictures in their phone and here she can do nothing except letting them take her photos with this condition.

"You wanted know who we are? Don't you? Ok let me clarify your doubts." Finally after clicking enough pictures the same girl once again told her.

"You should know one thing Isabella that Luther is mine. Only mine. Every time I am talking with him he always looks at me like I'm some kind of play thing for him. No doubt we are sharing beds and does one night stands but still he is not attached to me the way I want him to be. And you know what's the main reason? The reason is YOU! Do you have any idea that he always keeps on looking at you the way I want him to look at me. I don't know what you both do at home alone but here also in school I always find him looking at you from afar in a way that you won't come to know about that at all. I can also feel that he doesn't consider you as his sister and I also heard that his mother has never adopted you legally. And the most important thing, do you know if you open his phone his gallery is only full of your photos. So tell me, what will I understand from all this huh? That my boyfriend is crazy for someone else. Tell me Isabella... just tell me that what I'm lacking? I'm more prettier, good looking, smarter than you but he never considered my feelings and looks at me the way he looks at you. Never! So this is my little punishment for you. In this way you will just stay away from him and if not then be ready to face more consequences like this. I hope you won't utter even a single word infront of him about me because if you will do then it won't take us so long to viral the photos and videos that we have taken just now. So I can trust you right! Now just stay here alone in the darkness untill his practice session ends. Let's go girls." With that all the girls leave her alone in that dark class room.

"He will never forgive you all for this shit! Never!!!" She just roared at them but they ignored her words and went out of the room and locked it from outside. She couldn't able to find her phone as well.

More than one hour has passed already and still she was there in a dark room all alone struggling with her nightmares. She was on the verge of senseless but was trying very hard not to because she knew if her V will come for her rescue then he can't able to find her until she scremes for the help. She was sweating profusely because of so much fear and the pain in her body also increased so much that it's getting very difficult for her to stay awake.

"What should I do now? I can't sit here like this. Please god help me. Where are you? Please save me V... please save me!..."


To Be Continued...