Chapter 27 - The Test

I remember Jung-moon, dreaming that we would be together at the Octagon Club, I would have been very happy, but I think that I will totally forget him when I become a member there.....

Next morning…

I went to the internet cafe to do some research about the history of Japan and Korea, but the history was so deep and so difficult to understand. I was just depressed in front of the computer. What would be asked? I am still weak in memorization, the only thing I do not forget is every word Jung-moon said to me.

If only Jung-moon was here, I would definitely pass the exam.

The next few days, when I woke up, I called Alison and Mabel. And we will meet today. As I came down the stairs I saw my parents arguing that early.

"You were fired from your job again, how are we now?" Mom sighed at my Dad. "I will find a new job, I'll go now!" My father said and he left the house. And when my mother saw me, she scold me up.

"You woke up so late again, and where are you going?"

"Umh, I will just meet my friends," I replied.

"And when did you make friends?" hot head said my mother.

"With Alison and Mabel mom , they are my high school friends,"

"Okay then, but you have to go home early." Mother's order.

And I left the house. Alison, Mabel and I met at a Pizza shop in the Mall. "We will take the exam tomorrow, have you done your research yet?" Aliso asked.

"Yeah, but its difficult to memorize it," Mabel replied,

"Me too, I'm nervous, we might not be able to pass," Alison said worriedly.

"Yeah! I don't understand anything I read, because the meaning is too deep, and it's too long and I can't remember it, we might fall!" Mabel said, feeling frustrated. Then I chimed in.

"Mabel, Alison, if this is really for us we can pass, just think positive," I told them.

After a while, we glanced at the glass mirror, and we saw two Japanese girls and a Caucasian man passing by, they were having fun walking and they were carrying branded shopping bags. "Aren't those people members of Octagon Kizoku? Look at their strange aura and they looks fantastic!" said Mabel.

"I think so?" I said.

"I hope we can be like them too! We need to pass all the tasks!" Alison said, feeling excited.

The day of our Exam has come.

We went back to Octagon Kizoku and we felt very nervous. We were ushered into a Japanese style room. And Sensei Hikaru guide us. She gave us a paper to answer, she said that we will share our knowledge to answer it, she took our gadgets. "I will return these later," Sensei ahikaru stated as she took our cell phones, to make sure that we won't cheat. There are only 20 questions, but it is very difficult. Korean History has been chosen for us. "Good luck to the three of you, I hope you can pass," said Sensei Hikaru and she left us. We sat at the table and we read the test paper.

"Those questions are so difficult, I did not even read them in my research! Even if we combine our brains we will have a hard time answering it," Alison said, desperately. "Why did the others passed, how did they know the answer?" Mabel said, feeling confused.

"Maybe they really persevered to do research," Alison said.

"I hope at least multiple choice, maybe we can still have the right answer," Mabel replied.

I noticed they're losing hope as they read the test paper. As the two of them talking, I was silent, because I was thinking.

"You Kirstein, why are you so quiet there? Huh?" Alison interrupted me.

"Wait, I'm thinking," I said and I think deeply.

"I'm losing hope," Mabel said as she reading the difficult questions. I saw them depressed and they had a hard time thinking, they totally don't know the answer.

And I looked again the test paper held by Mabel and I studied it.

-First Question-

'What are the three kingdoms of Korea?' And suddenly, I remembered what Jung-moon said to me before about the three kingdoms of Korea. I thought about it and went back my memory when we were under the tree.


3 o'clock pm…

We had a great time meeting at Minsyu Park.

I just came from school then.

And what joy I had when I saw him waiting for me.

He was standing in the tree, and looking into the distance.

" Jung-moon!" I called out.

He turned to me and I saw his beautiful smiles again.

"Are you bored of waiting?"

"I can't feel bored while I'm waiting for you," Jung-moon said.

We sat under the tree.

And he took my hand and kissed it.

I still can't believe it every time I'm with him.

"I love you Jung-moon, do you love me?" I asked him the same questions everytime we meet.

"Of course, I will not come here to see you if I don't love you," he answered.

I felt a butterfly in my stomack everytime he said that.

I always asking him if he will not leave me someday, if he will marry me someday, I always feel insecure evrytime I'm with him. I always thought that he can find someone better than me.

"You don't need to ask that Kirstein,"

"I just wanna know,"

"I can't answer you that, were just met,"

"I am afraid of losing you, I'm scared to be heartbroken, you are my first boyfriend, and I want you to be the last," I stated, he just smiled at me.

"You will not hurt me right?" I asked him, and I'm waiting for a great answer.

But he said something that puzzled me.

"I hope I succeed in what I do," he said.

"What will you do?" I asked him.

"I want to have a new world,"

"What world is that?"