The Hot Devil Of Weston High School.

Present Day.

"Hey loser, look behind you!" A female voice hooted from behind Wren who closed her locker and was walking the  hallway with an earpiece in her ears with no music playing in it actually.

Wren turned behind her and bent to dodge the incoming key lime pie coming her way, but it was too late because she didn't see the pie coming her way on time.

So the key lime pie landed right on her face, and its contents spilled all over her face. The whole students in the hallway broke into a thunderous laughter, pointing and laughing at Wren, including the one that threw the pie.

She laughed and walked away, leaving her victim to wipe her face stained with key lime pie.

Wren sighed and put the earpiece back into her backpack and got out a handkerchief she would use to wipe her pie-stained face. She was used to that already, so she carried a handkerchief anywhere she went.

That was what she was going through in school everyday, she would have dodged the pie, but she didn't see it on time and neither was she prepared for it.

Her bullies caught her unawares and that was the price Wren was paying for being a wolf-less girl schooling in a school full of werewolves.

"Thanks a lot, Sandy" Wren thanked her bully and made sure her voice was loud enough for Sandy to hear her, to which Sandy actually responded as she waved, still walking away without looking back.

After wiping the contents of the pie off her face, she put the handkerchief back into her backpack and walked away.

Everything would be over soon, just three more months and she would be done with high school and could finally live in peace after all the hell she's been through in high school. 


"So, make sure you all study for the test again next week, I will be leaving now" Mrs Robinson, the homeroom teacher announced to her class and walked a few steps when someone caught her attention.

Wren came into the class the moment Mrs Roberts was leaving and almost  tripped, caused by a leg put in her way intentionally, but gladly for her. She steadied herself before she could reach the floor of the classroom.

"That's not so funny, Wendy" Wren smiled, and walked over to her seat and sat down, while Wendy, the one who put her leg in the way, snorted in laughter.

Mrs Robinson saw what happened and couldn't leave anymore, so she scolded Wendy as she walked up to meet her. "Apologise to Wren now, Wendy".

Wendy gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, she wasn't going to apologize. Not to Wren. If she does that, she was going to be a laughing stock for apologising to a loser.

The little drama going on in the class drew everyone's attention as they all stopped what they were all doing and watched the drama. Some got their phones out, filming it. The video would be a hit in the entire school if Wendy apologized.

"I said, you should apologize to Wren now, Wendy" Mrs Robinson said to Wendy, which was more like a warning. Wendy better listen to Mrs Robinson than to let her repeat her words for the third time or she was going to regret not doing so.

"Mrs Robinson, it's alright she didn't do it-" Wren's statement was caught short by Mrs Robinson raising her hand. Wendy wasn't going to go free this time, not when she bullied someone in her homeroom teacher's presence.

Mrs Robinson knew Wren had always been a subject of laughter due to the fact, she was the only wolf-less girl, schooling in a school full of werewolves. 

And the only reason she was still surviving in the school was because she was living under the same roof with the Alpha incharge of the dark venom high school named Weston high. if not she would have been long gone, but despite that, she was still bullied.

Mrs Robinson has always turned a blind eye whenever she saw Wren being bullied, but today she wasn't going to let anyone go free, not when they bullied a fellow student in her presence.

Wren didn't deserve such, she didn't wrong anyone for being a werewolf without an actual wolf. Wren's wolf was a late bloomer and her wolf would surely show up, just that it was taking too much time.

"I didn't ask for your opinion, Wren" Mrs Robinson looked at Wren and lifted her brows, for Wren to understand the message being sent to her clearly.

She knew Mrs Robinson meant her words, their homeroom teacher was all friendly and lovely but not when someone got on her nerves.

Besides, no one wanted to offend a Beta. Especially her with no wolf, there was zero chance of her winning.

Wendy glared viciously at Wren, before she stood up reluctantly and apologized to her, "I'm sorry for that Wren, I wouldn't do it again" she sat down back on her seat.

Wren knew Wendy didn't mean that in her last statement, 'she wouldn't do it again'. It was all an act for Mrs Robinson to see. Wendy was never going to leave her alone.

"Good" Mrs Robinson smiled, and adjusted her skirt, "I hope you really meant those last words because I wouldn't want this to repeat next time. 

"And now I will be leaving for real" Mrs Robinson left the class but not without looking back to check up on Wren once more.

Wendy glared at Wren viciously who swallowed hard, thanks to Mrs Robinson who tried making things right. She just made it worse.

Wren could only smile and walked back to her seat, she always had a smile on her face, no matter how much she was bullied. It was to show her bullies, they had no effect on her.

On reaching her seat and before sitting down. She searched around the whole class, her eyes were exploring every single book and cranny of the classroom. 

Her eyes were out for one person, Tyler, the king of the school. And she currently wasn't on good terms with him despite the fact that both of them lived together under the same roof.

Catching no sight of him, she heaved a deep sigh of relief and sat down. He didn't come to school today. 

Thank Goddess!.

Wren put her backpack in front of her desk, opened it and got an earpiece out. She plugged the earpiece into her ears, completely shutting herself out of the classroom with the music she was listening to.

At least that was the only thing that didn't bully her like the others, Music!.

Wren sang along to the music playing in the earpiece, looking out of the window and watching the beautiful sunrise. Her beautiful blue eyes meeting the sun brought out the real blue in it and it shone like that of a blue emerald.

Even though she sat at the back of the class, she still had the best seat in her class, and that was where she loved the most. Sitting close to the window.

Wren exhaled and rubbed her temples, remembering what she was passing through in school. She had no one by her side in school, not even a single friend. And that was why she loved music, because it was the only thing that made her feel alive like a person.


Wren nodded and listened to the rhythm of the music and flowed with it. She shut her eyes, and forced them open immediately, caused by the loud noise in the class.

The girls were all screaming, and that was only for one reason. The king came to school, Tyler. She shifted her gaze from the window to the so-called king and her eyes met with his striking electric emerald green eyes.

"Shit" she cursed under breath and cut the gaze off instantaneously.

Why did he come to school today? She thought he wasn't going to come again because he came really late today. That was his daily routine, coming to school late everyday and nobody talked about it, not even the teachers nor the principal.

All because he was the Alpha's son.

Wren prayed silently within her, for him to not come her way and to just walk towards his own seat. But that prayer wasn't answered. Because he was coming and it was right through her way.

She could see it.

He brushed his hand through his dyed silver curly hair fade haircut and smiled earning an 'oh' sound from all the girls in the class. Why were they all falling for him? Yes, Wren admits he was handsome and all that hot, but she still saw nothing in him.

And then he stopped, right in front of her and placed his hands on the top of her desk and smirked. The smile vanishing from his face as a smirk replaced it immediately.

There he was, Tyler Sanders, the king of Weston high. Just that the king part of him was no more, the devil was back. The hot devil of weston high school.