Her Last Prayer.

"Make sure you are filming this, I need the whole school to feast on this" Quinn told Eve and a hideous laughter followed as she pulled Wren by the hair firmly and dipped her face into the bottom of the toilet.

Eve got her phone out and filmed Quinn dipping Wren's face into the toilet while Rachel played the part of pulling the toilet handle down each time it got refilled with water automatically, after the water got used up.

Wren screamed and cried bitterly trying to get the tightened grip of Quinn's hand on her hair, what has she ever done to Quinn?. She didn't intend to enter Tyler's room intentionally, she only entered his room to call him just as his father asked her to.

She knocked but no one responded and neither did they wanted to let her into the room, so she had no other choice to than to enter the room and now that stupid room got her into trouble.

It hasn't even been long since Alpha Sanders left and she was being bullied already, this was beyond the type of bullying she has gone through before. 

She rejoiced happily when she came to school early in the morning as no prank nor bully awaited her but the moment she decided to go to her place of rest. 

The trouble came knocking on the door.

Wren had received all kinds of bullying but getting her face dipped inside a toilet was the most cruel, gruesome and disgusting type of bullying that has ever happened to her.

"Please stop Quinn'' Wren pleaded to Quinn amidst invisible tears falling down her cheeks caused by the water coming out of the toilet and washing them away as Quinn pulled her face out from the toilet. 

Quinn laughed hideously and her two minions joined her.

Wren's face looked so ridiculous to them as she cried for help, does she really think someone would actually rescue her?, She was a nobody.

"This will teach you a lesson to stay away from my king and his room!" Quinn barked ferociously, and dipped Wren's face back into the toilet. Wren fought and struggled to get her face out of the toilet but her struggles were futile.

Her eyes were reddened caused by too much water overflooding it and she could barely breathe as the water in the bottom of the toilet entered both her nose and mouth.

The most disgusting part was when she actually drank the water, She was drinking water coming out of the toilet!. She tried closing her mouth but opened it each time she screamed for help.

Rachel pulled the toilet handle down allowing more water into the toilet as it poured both on Wren's face and hair when Quinn dipped her face into the toilet.

"I hope you drink to your satisfaction" Quinn laughed and her minions did the same.

"I.. can't..breathe!" Wren screamed muffledly, but Quinn ignored her. She could no longer breathe in air caused by the water flooding her nose. Quinn usually pulled her face out of the toilet around like fifteen seconds of dipping it in, but this time it was taking too long.

And she had no wolf, if not she would have tried fighting the three of them off. Quinn was busy laughing hysterically with her minions and forgot totally she pulled Wren's face out of the toilet after fifteen seconds.

So Wren said her last prayer, she prayed for a savior because she could see her death near. Was she going to die like that?. People would surely laugh and mock her as a girl who died by drowning in a toilet.

If Wren knew she was going to die like that, then she would have joined Alpha Sanders on his two days business trip whether he liked it or not.

"Quinn, I don't think she's breathing" Eve who was filming them observed Wren wasn't moving, neither was she struggling anymore. Quinn laughed and waved Eve's words aside.

Rachel, who was pulling the toilet handle and allowing water into the toilet let go of it instantly and leaned closer to Wren. Quinn now became scared caused by the way her minions were reacting, so she didn't waste time and pulled Wren's face out of the toilet.

Eve stopped the filming and slid her phone back into the pocket of the blue pants she wore and leaned closer to Wren lying on the floor of the toilet. She gasped out of shock as she put a finger under Wren's nose and couldn't feel her breathing.

Quinn's body quivered and Rachel's breathing was shaky, Was Wren dead?. They pondered deeply. If she was dead then they were all murderers.

"Quinn, I.. think.. she's…"

"Don't you dare say the 'd' word" The warning was made clear to Eve as she tried stating out Wren's condition. Quinn swallowed hard and also put her hand under Wren's nose and couldn't feel her breathing.

Rachel also did the same and screamed, Quinn had to cover Rachel's mouth to prevent her from screaming further.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Rachel?" Asked Quinn over to Rachel as she let go of her lips roughly.

"She's dead…we.. killed..her" Rachel stuttered shakily, pointing to Wren's lifeless body, she was the most scared one among the three of them. She could still remember being a good girl before she joined Quinn and Eve in bullying and now they have killed someone.

Quinn leaned closer to Wren's chest and used her werewolf listening sense but couldn't hear a single heartbeat and that was when she became real frightened.

Wren was really dead.

"Are you sure the entrance door is locked?" She asked Eve who locked the entrance door at first and Eve ran as fast as she could to the entrance door to check out if it was really locked.

"It is locked but what are we going to do with her body?, we can't dispose a dead body out of the school without being noticed" Eve made known to Quinn and Rachel as she came back to them.

"And Alpha Sanders, OMG ALPHA SANDERS IS GOING TO GET US ALL KILLED!!!" Eve couldn't hold it in any more so she spilled everything out without stopping. 

Alpha Sanders was surely going to kill all of them for murdering his favorite, Why didn't she thought of that earlier before they killed Wren by drowning her in a toilet?.

It was now she truly understood the kind of atrocious crime the three of them committed.

Quinn got really mad and slapped Eve hard in the face for yelling like that. Yes, she was freaking out too, but Eve was overreacting. Rachel sat on the floor of the toilet and let the tears loosed.

She was only eighteen and has murdered someone, how was she ever going to explain that to her parents or to her beloved mate, Simon?. She has totally failed them all.

Quinn's fingers trembled shakily as her body quivered greatly and just as she was about to speak, the entrance door of the restroom got ripped off.