Quinn and her minions were seated and all the looks on their face were unreadable. Rachel had stopped crying, Eve's knuckles were trembling shakily while Quinn sat in between them and wasn't quivering, neither was she worried.
In fact, she looked less worried among the three of them.
Her mom walked the office around in circles with her hands formed akimbo on her slender waist and gritted her teeth in anger while Quinn and her minions sat quietly and watched Principal Vanessa Young walked her office around in circles.
"I asked the three of you a question?!" She barked with fury again as she stopped walking around the room and stopped right in front of her office desk watching her irresponsible daughter and her minions who still gave no response to her question.
So she got more furious as she balled her fists in anger and hit it hard on her desk almost crushing the innocent desk into pieces and that was when she got the attention she needed because both Quinn and her minions got started.
"You guys better not get me offended or the three of you won't like me at all" The warning was stated out clearly to Quinn and her minions. She may be her mother's sweet daughter but also knew how to not get on her mother's nerves.
Her mom's eye color has turned to sparkling electric blue color, she could sense her mom's wolf on the edge and no body would like to offend a Beta so she opened her mouth to speak when Eve interupted.
"Quinn was the one that forced us in doing it Principal Young, Rachel is as innocent as I am" Both Quinn and Rachel gasped out of shock at Eve's statement and before they could speak a word, Principal Young asked.
"Who was the main mastermind of the whole plan?"
"It was Quinn, Principal Young" Quinn and Rachel let out another gasp out of shock when Eve said that and stared at her. Rachel stared while Quinn glared. Eve was definitely going to get it hot from her when they leave her mom's office.
"Quinn?" Principal Young's brows arched questionly, as she leaned closer to the three of them with her hands on her table and locked her gaze firmly with her daughter's, sitting in between her minions Rachel and Eve.
Principal Young knew her daughter was the mastermind behind the plan and no one else, but she wanted to hear it directly rom Quinn's mouth which she knew too well was impossible but she still asked.
"Is that true, Quinn?" Her voice was more of a whisper when she said that. Quinn only crossed her arms between her chest and stared her mom into the eyes too without muttering a word.
They were the exact carbon copy of mother and daughter. Her mom cut the staring contest they were having and sent her wolf back in as she moved to her chair and sat down.
Principal Young relaxed her body on the office chair and swirled herself around before saying, "Rumors are spreading around the school which I as the principal tried my best in stopping it but I have limits" she pointed to herself and continued.
"So it won't be long till it reaches Alpha Sanders and he-"
"Alpha Sanders?!!" Rachel yelled the most among the three of them and Eve's jaws dropped open while Quinn didn't bulge and continued staring at her mom.
When Rachel was little, she heard rumors about how Alpha Sanders was cruel, unmerciful and killed those who dared disobeyed or get into his way but as she was growing up, she found out they weren't actually rumors but true life stories.
So that's why she screamed the most among Quinn and Eve because she was a scaredy-cat and was afraid Alpha Sanders would kill her for playing a part in Quinn attempting murder on Wren.
Quinn wasn't scared of anything because she knew what her mom was capable of doing, her mom wouldn't stay idle and watch her get killed if that's what Alpha Sanders would decide to punish them with.
"I would really appreciate it, if you guys do not interupt me again" Principal Young's voice sounded firm as she spoke and Rachel and Eve obeyed. Rachel was quivering greatly on her seat, she tried getting her body to stop quivering but it didn't listened to her.
"Okay" Rachel and Eve nodded while Quinn kept silent.
"But if you guys don't want our dear Alpha Sanders to punish the three of you since the girl survived luckily" She pointed to Rachel and Eve firstly before Quinn who acted like her mom's words had no effect her and she scoffed.
"You all have to go down on your knees and apologise to her and also to the whole of Weston high for acting so recklessly and maybe then she may forgive you all".
Nobody spoke a word after Principal Young announced that to them, except for Quinn who couldn't listen to her mom's bullshit anymore, so she got up from her seat in anger and said.
"I would rather die than to go down on my knees to apologise to a lowlife like Wren, she worth nothing" After keeping silent throughout the whole time her mom was speaking, Quinn finally spoke and those were her words.
She stared at her mom one more time before shifting her gaze over to Eve who put all the blame on her when she also played a part in the crime. Eve scratched the back of her neck nervously caused by the kind of glare Quinn was shooting her.
She knew Quinn was sending her message, which meant she was in trouble. The Quinn she knew wouldn't let her go scout free, not after accusing only her of a crime the three of them committed together.
Eve couldn't be blamed for that, at critical times like that. Friends would betray another friend to escape whatever was supposed to come their way.
If Alpha Sanders's punishment was to kill them, then Quinn should be the one and not her, after all, she only filmed and wasn't the one that dipped Wren's face into the toilet.
Eve smiled and touched her pocket to make sure her phone was still intact with her in case Alpha Sanders asked for evidence during their punishment.
"Quinn, come back here" Principal Young called Quinn who ignored and walked away from her mom's office, slamming the door hard against the wall.
Mrs Young shook her head in disappointment as she watched her rude daughter ignore her and walked away from her office.
She was just like Quinn when she was young but Quinn's stubbornness and rudeness was much alarming than hers when she was Quinn's age.
She was the principal of Weston high and covered up most crimes her daughter committed through bullying but this time Quinn went south by attempting murder on Wren and the worst part was Wren being the Alpha's favorite.
If it was someone else, then solving the case would be simpler.
Her prayer got answered when she heard Wren was fine, so the least Quinn could do was to apologize to Wren on her knees to prove the apology was sincerely coming from the bottom of her heart.
That was the only idea Principal Young could think of, so Alpha Sanders wouldn't punish her daughter with death, he might forgive Quinn when he hears she apologized to Wren on her knees because the Alpha Sanders she knew too well never joked with anything precious to him, especially his bunny.
However the problem was the Quinn she knew and gave birth to, would rather get her tongue cut off rather than to go down on her knees to apologise to a lowlife she calls Wren.
Quinn on the other hand stood outside the door of her mom's office, waiting for her minions. She couldn't go back to the classroom due to, she knew the amount of questions and attention that would be waiting for her.
If she dared lay a foot into her classroom so she decided to wait for her minions. Especially Eve, so they could have a serious heart to heart conversation before they leave for class.
"Mom, you must really be kidding me to think I would actually go down on my knees to apologise to Wren" Quinn murmured indistinctly, and smirked as the corners of her lips raised up slightly.
She would never apologize to Wren, it was clearly a mission impossible!.