Wren Would Be The Death Of Him.

"Tyler, I don't know how to say this to you but I think Wren's awake but she's also unconscious at the same time, as if she's having a serious severe bad nightmare" Mr Gibson made known to Tyler through a phone call. 

He was done attending to a male student and came to check up on Wren when he saw her acting strangely and the way she was acting scared him immensely, so he had to call Tyler just as Tyler told him to do so when Wren was awake.

There were visible beads of hot sweat formed on Wren's forehead and she was breathing heavily with her eyes shut closed tightly. She held onto the blanket used to cover her tightly and wriggled herself on the bed ferociously.

"Okay, please keep your eyes on her. I will be there in a minute" Tyler hung up the call and took a few steps past Quinn, and she stopped him by holding onto his arm before he could reach the library's entrance door.

The both of them were still in the library sorting things out when Tyler's phone rang and it turned out to be Mr Gibson calling him to report about Wren's condition.

"Where are you going?" Came Quinn's question, they weren't done talking and her king wanted to run off to somewhere she didn't know about, but from the call Tyler just had infront of her, She knew it was probably about Wren.

Wren again!.

"Wren is awake but I don't really understand what Mr Gibson is saying about her having a nightmare, so I got to go check up on her" Came Tyler's response to his Queen's question. 

There was no time for Quinn to quarrel with her king about Wren and knowing she did something that pissed him off earlier, which she absolutely didn't want that happening again, she let go of her King's arm but not without going with him.

"I will go with you".

"Okay, let's go" Tyler nodded his head, with a little smile forming at the corner of his lips. His Queen wanted to follow him to go check up on Wren, she might as well use that opportunity and apologize to Wren.

There was no time to waste, so Tyler interlocked his Queen's fingers in between his and pulled her out of the library as the both of them went in search of the school's clinic. 

He also called Simon and Lawson over and they both came with Rachel and Eve. Tyler had his reasons for doing that, and that reason was for his Queen and her minions to apologise to Wren when she's awake from her nightmare.


Tyler and Quinn were the first to arrive at the school's clinic and Tyler said to Mr Gibson the moment he stepped foot into the clinic, "I came as fast as I could, where is she?" The question was directed over to Mr Gibson from Tyler as soon as he came into the school infirmary with his Queen by his side.

"She's still in bed" Mr Gibson pointed to Wren lying on a bed and wriggling herself continuously, he closed the entrance door of the clinic as soon as Tyler and his Queen came in.

Tyler let go of his Queen's hand the moment he set his eyes on Wren who was wriggling herself on the bed to and fro in an alternating motion, and that made Quinn's face contorted into a scowl knowing her king was going to touch that lowlife.


"Why is she acting this way?I thought you said she would be fine when she's awake?" Tyler asked Gibson as he ran closer to Wren and tried waking her up.

"I seriously don't know what's wrong with her, she was fine when you left and just a few minutes ago, She started acting this way. I don't know?" Mr Gibson helped Tyler in stopping Wren from wriggling herself on the bed by grabbing her left arm and holding it firm, while Tyler held her other arm and Quinn watched in shock.

She was starting to regret pulling Wren's face into the toilet. If only she knew people who got their face pulled into a toilet would behave the way Wren was doing now. Then she would have found another punishment instead of pulling Wren's face into a toilet.

"Hey bunny, wake up!, wake up!" Tyler screamed as loud as he could, slapping Wren's cheeks softly, but Wren's eyes were still shut closed and she was still wriggling herself on the bed. 

Tyler's teeth gritted in fear, Wren would be the death of him.

After plenty fruitless efforts of getting Wren to wake up and seeing that she was showing no signs of waking up, Tyler then asked, "Can't you use your powers to get her to wake up, Mr Gibson?".

Mr Gibson shook his head slowly and responded "I'm sorry Tyler, but my powers don't work out that way. I only heal, I can't wake people".

"F**k" Tyler cursed under his breath with gritted teeth. Quinn couldn't bear standing beside the door and watched her king and Mr Gibson trying to wake Wren up, so she moved over to them and helped.

"If she's having a Fujie, then we can't help her out. She's the only one capable of helping herself" Quinn disclosed to Mr Gibson and her king, grabbing Wren's legs and keeping them steady.

Both Mr Gibson and Tyler turned towards Quinn and gave her a deadpan look before Tyler asked her, "What the hell is a Fujie?".

Tylere appreciated Quinn in helping them keep Wren stable, but she was kind of saying something that didn't make any sense to him or to Mr Gibson too.

"It happened to me when I was little, and my mom calls it 'Fujie'. It's not a nightmare but has the same characteristics as it" Quinn understood the confused look on both her King's face and Mr Gibson so she explained to them before they could ask her anything. 

"It's a state where one is too scared to overcome their nightmare, and don't worry she won't die" Quinn mentioned and Tyler's racing heart calmed down.

"But if I'm right and if she's really having a Fujie then none of us can help her out, she's the only one capable of helping herself by overcoming whatever nightmare she's currently having now" Quinn announced to the duo giving her an awkward stare.

Tyler was actually proud of his Queen at that moment. She wasn't just a bully, she got the brains too.

"But there's got to be a way to help her out of whatever state you say she's in now, right?" Tyler's brows arched questionly and Quinn nodded negatively while Mr Gibson watched the both of them confusedly and didn't utter a word.

He had no idea about what Quinn was talking about right now, and he didn't ask questions. Questions seemed like they were going to slow things down so he kept mute and helped them out.

"The least we could do for now is to just hold her still, so she doesn't hurt herself and watch the way she overcomes the Fujie" Quinn held Wren's legs firmly so she doesn't fall off the bed.

"But what if she doesn't overcome it?" Worry washed all over Tyler's face when he asked that question and Quinn's felt kind of shildy at that certain moment. If she hadn't punished Wren then that worry wouldn't have been on her King's face.

And none of this would have been happening, this would help teach her a big lesson she wouldn't ever forget so that the next time, she tried using that kind of punishment upon someone. She would definitely think twice.

Tyler watched Quinn's lips tremble shakily in fear, as if she had no response to his question. He needed to know what would happen to Wren if she didn't overcome the so-called Fujie or whatever Quinn called it.

Tyler opened his mouth to speak but before the words came out, Quinn said, "When it happened to me, I overcame mine and like I said earlier she wouldn't die, but I still don't know what would happen to her if she doesn't overcome hers".