
"Beta Williams will be incharge while I'm away, it's only a two day business trip and I will be back, and Tyler I'm putting you in charge of Wren while I'm away".

Alpha Sanders' words rang in Tyler's head like an alarm not wanting to be put off continuously, and that was the reason why he ran faster than flash when he observed Wren might be in trouble when he searched for her in class and couldn't find her.

Tyler may not care or give a damn about Wren that much, but what happened today proved he really cared for her and he was more than grateful and thankful to the moon goddess that brought Wren back to life.

What type of excuse would he have given to his father concerning Wren when he comes back from his trip?.

Among everyone in the clinic, Tyler was the happiest when he saw Wren alive and awake but the moment he saw her grab her head and screamed scared him, it was as if the 'Fujie' was trying to take control over her again.

And Tyler wasn't going to let that happen and that was why he embraced her and was surprised she actually stopped screaming when he embraced her.

Was Wren faking it to get his body glued against hers?. He knew Wren crushed on him which she did a good job in hiding from the others but not from him. It was so obvious to him.

And when he smiled, he saw how Wren was caught off guard and drooled over him with her jaws dropped open. Was he really that charming?.

Tyler enjoyed it a lot when he watched the way Wren drooled over him and continued smiling to make her drool over him more. She amused him a lot in a way his Queen had never.

Talking about his Queen, Tyler forgot totally about Quinn and everyone else in the clinic, all he could see was Wren who closed her eyes and was leaning closer to him.

What was she trying to do?.

Was she trying to kiss him?, Tyler thought Wren always played hard to get, but why was she suddenly leaning closer to him in an awkward manner?. Their faces were too close to each other and their lips were merely inches away from touching each other.

That wasn't right, Tyler had a girlfriend so he shouldn't let another girl kiss him. And out of all girls, it shouldn't be Wren. They were still enemies despite the fact he saved her today.

That wouldn't make the both of them friends, Tyler doesn't keep female friends and Wren would never be the first female friend he would make.

She stole his father's love from him, so she didn't deserve to be his friend. Friends move along with each other, they simply don't.

Wren was leaning closer to Tyler slowly, but to Tyler he felt like she was leaning faster towards him as if she couldn't wait to have a taste of him, and he really tried resisting Wren but the moment his eyes landed on those saucy flawless full lips of hers, Tyler just stopped the silly urge growing inside of him to resist Wren.

Her lips looked too temptingly gorgeous to have a taste of, who knew how and what it would actually taste like if he had a good taste of it?. Tyler bet Wren's lips would taste much more sweeter than vanilla ice cream.

So he leaned closer to Wren and closed his eyes too, they were about to share one hell of a kiss but the moment his lips were about to crush against Wren's. Quinn dived in and spoiled the special moment.

Quinn was such a spoiler.

Tyler fluttered his eyes slightly open when it seemed like it was taking hours for Wren's lips to be on his, he widened his eyes only for him to see Wren's lips away from his, her lips were supposed to be on his and not away from his. 

What the hell was happening?.

Quinn was happening.

F**k! He should have known Quinn would never allow that kiss to happen. It was now it then dawned on Tyler that his Quinn was also in the clinic the whole time. How could he have forgotten?.

Quinn's hand covered Wren's lips, pulling her face back away by the jaws from Tyler roughly, and Wren let out a muffled hurting screech as Quinn did that, Quinn wasn't just pulling her face back away from Tyler, she was also pinching it.

Quinn would always be an asshole.

Tyler got up from the bed swiftly and stopped Quinn from hurting Wren further, Quinn let go of Wren's jaws forcefully with a grunt when Tyler stopped her from hurting Wren's jaws.

"What the hell Quinn?!" Tyler barked ferociously, he wasn't just mad at his Queen from stopping the kiss from happening. He was also mad at her for hurting Wren's jaws because he could actually see the fingerprints of her fingernails on it.

Who knew how hard she had pinched Wren's Jaws just to stop the kiss from happening?.

"What the hell?" Quinn retorted angrily, "I just saved you from getting kissed from that deathtrap." She pointed to the so-called deathtrap who was lying on the bed and rubbing her jaws to soothe the pain she was feeling after Quinn let go of her Jaws forcefully.

"So you should be thankful and not yelling at me!" Quinn stomped her feet angrily hard on the floor and hissed. She just saved her king from being poisoned with a kiss of death and that was how he was going to thank her?.

By yelling at her?Who the hell does that?.

Tyler moved his gaze from his Queen and landed it on Wren who bowed her head and bit her lower bottom lip in shame. She must be embarrassed. What was she thinking at first when she tried kissing him?.

Did she think Quinn would have let that happen?Absolutely not, so Wren should think more carefully next time before she would try such a thing another time. But Quinn was wrong by hurting Wren's jaws so Tyler scolded her, saying.

"You didn't have to hurt her, Quinn, if you played nice to Wren for once. Would it actually kill you?" There was not a single smile on Tyler's face when he dropped that question and he even seemed to be mad at Quinn. 

Wren who kept quiet and listened to the couples having an argument suddenly raised her face when she heard Tyler mentioned her in his statement and he was even defending her.

What really happened to Tyler while she was in hell? And why was he being nice to her all of a sudden?. She just couldn't understand or predict him anymore and she wanted to ask questions, but the strict intensity growing in the room made it impossible for her to ask anybody questions.

Mr Gibson wasn't interested in matters relating to immature teenagers that never knew how to control themselves and settle a common dispute, so he left them to go attend to other important unattended students he had to attend to.

While Tyler's buddies and Quinn's minions watched Wren but their attention were mostly glued to the fighting couples.

And no one interfered, it was between Wren, Tyler and Quinn so nothing concerned any of them.

Eve knew this would happen and tried stopping it, but Quinn never gave her a listening ear so she decided to stay out of their argument, after Quinn shoved her aside roughly to go fight for her love.

If anyone told Quinn her king would ever side with Wren against her in an argument, she would never have believed. What was happening to Tyler?Had Wren bewitched her king?.

Quinn crossed her arms between her chest, saying "yeah, you are actually right, it would kill me to play nice to a b*tch like her" She scoffed. "She doesn't worth your time Tyler, so I don't f**king understand why you would give a f**king damn care concerning a lowlife with no wolf like her!".

If only Quinn knew she wouldn't have dropped that last statement because it hurt Tyler really badly, talking more of Wren she referred to as a lowlife.

"Go down on your knees and apologise to Wren".
