All The Queen Bees Were At War.

Quinn's classroom in Weston high.

Mrs Robinson, the homeroom teacher was present in class and taking roll calls for absent and present students and when she was done, she then reminded the class of her upcoming test on Monday.

"I came to remind you guys about my upcoming test on Monday, you all better prepare for it and make sure you don't miss class or fail my test or else, you all will have me to face, Am I making myself clear?" Mrs Robinson announced to the class earning mean stares and a dead silence from them which didn't bother her at all.

All she knew was the fact that she wanted to see them all in class on Monday, and knowing the kind of lazy students she had when it comes to tests or exams, she had to forewarn them all.

Mrs Robinson picked the books she kept on the top of the desk, facing the classroom and took about two steps forward towards the door in an attempt to leave the classroom but stopped abruptly on sighting Quinn and her minion, Eve coming in.