He Messed Up With The Wrong Girl.

Weston high, in the hallway.

Simon left the classroom taking Rachel out along with him and then stopped at a certain place in the hallway far away from their classroom and lots of prying eyes before asking her worriedly.

"What happened to you? And why the hell are you so wet?" Simon asked, checking out Rachel who seemed too scared to open up to tell him about who did that to her. He was only going to cause more trouble for her and even if possible for himself too.

So she just kept mute, letting a few seconds of silence reign between them before Simon asked again.

"Why aren't you talking, Rachel? Come on, say something!" Simon yelled but not too loud to avoid scaring Rachel further, he was able to sense she was feeling scared already. And seeing that his mate wasn't going to say anything, he then lowered his voice trying not to scare her so he could actually get her to talk to him.