Something Wonderful She Might Never Get To Experience.

"So you f**king expect me to believe that?"

"Yeah, because it's the god-damned truth" Tyler threw his hands up in the air out of frustration. Quinn is only frustrating him in this hot-heated argument of theirs and now she's even laying accusations on him of liking Wren. She doesn't even have any evidence and there's never going to be any evidence because he's only saying the truth.

So why can't Quinn just believe him? So he could end this argument because it has gone from what he came to say to her into something else that he can't even understand.

"Ugh" Quinn sighed in disgust, not believing what Tyler just said to her. Moving closer to him, she tapped a finger on his well created muscular chest repeatedly, while saying. "Well, this is my own god-damned truth, Tyler. It's over between us. I'm dumping your stupid ass".