Time Will Tell.

"Well, I know we are still going to get back together, once she stops getting mad at me first" Tyler assured himself of the possibility of getting back together with his Queen.

"But if I may ask?, what even caused the breakup between the both of you?" Alpha Sanders questioned with inquisitiveness, got so desirous to know what brought up the break up between his son and Quinn, is what got his attention more now.

Could it be that Quinn just dumped Tyler because she got fed up with dating him for so long?.

And this is the part where the lovely conversation between Tyler and his dad at their happy reunion is about to go cranky, because Wren was about to get involved.

Tyler has this feeling that his dad would definitely support Wren in this conversation of theirs and not him, which would lead the conversation to end up in a bad way. Now, he knows what could possibly go wrong, when he decides to open up to his dad after years of neglecting him.