A Great Chaos.

"Okay" Wren nodded, taking in a deep breath and putting a foot inside the bathtub before putting the other. Jeez, the water was extremely freezing as if snow fell on it, and they kept it for her to help calm her down when the nightmares are getting rid of.

Maybe Alpha Sanders knows she will pass through this and it seems like tonight will be really tough. That's why he told her to prepare herself for it, before finalizing her decision on getting rid of the nightmares.

"Woah, it's really cold" Wren gritted her teeth due to the freezing water she was in. She dragged her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them. If she goes through all these tonight that she doesn't find necessary, just to get rid of the nightmares and it returns again.

Then she's definitely going to sue Olson for being a fake gifted werewolf.