Never Expected For It To Possibly Happen.

After receiving motivational talks from Olson, Wren braced herself. Olson isn't just a gifted werewolf, he also deserves to be a motivational speaker because he's really good at it.

Looking up to the huge monster that seemed to be immobile and can't move. Wren lifted her hands towards it and slowly touched it on the chest. She swiftly shut her eyes closed, waiting to be harmed by the monster but it didn't happen.

Forcing her eyes open, she saw the monster no more. It had disappeared and she rejoiced deeply. It's gone,The monster is finally gone?, The scary monster is gone for good!.

"Congrats, you finally made it" Olson congratulated Wren, who swirled herself around the room with her hands up in the air. 

"Now, I will be pulling you out, it's a short ride but make sure your eyes are closed. You don't want to see what I'm going to see" Olson told Wren and she stopped swirling around, sitting down on the floor of the room with her legs crossed.