Love Doctor.

Nightfall At The Pack House.

"Will you care to tell me how you got those tattoos on your body?" Wren shot the question to Molly, they were both lying on the bed preparing to sleep for the night and then prepare for school again tomorrow morning.

They would sleep on time tonight to prevent what happened today.

"Why do you want to know about them?You like it?" Molly returned Wren's question back with her own question, she was surprised that Wren took interest in asking her such a question. Has she begun to fall for tattoos?. Wren doesn't look like the type of girls to have a thing for tattoos, she looked too good to be bad.

"Well, I don't really like them but they are beautiful, most especially this one right here" Wren pointed at the rose tattoo on Molly's right arm, out of all the tattoos decorated on Molly's body, she liked the rose tattoo the most.