Molly's Here To Stop It.

Weston High, Break Period.

Molly thought her plan of not going to school today was going to work out after all the time they spent at the pack house, but Wren became persistent on both of them going. They were able to sneak past everyone till they reached the classroom.

She regrets ever letting Wren know she had the capable skills of sneaking her way over anything. Now, Wren's completely using it against her.

"So how do we go about this group project, now I really understand why you said it's going to be hard getting the mean girl to work together with us as a group" Molly leaned on another locker beside Wren's, who's putting some books inside her own locker.

"What do you mean?" Wren took a short glance at Molly and kept on taking out the books in her backpack inside the locker.