A Little Chit-Chat With The Mean Girl And Her Loyal Minions Soon.

Molly left the office after being dismissed by the principal only to see Wendy waiting for her outside. And the moment she set eyes on her, Wendy leaned off the wall and blocked her from finding her way to the classroom.

Molly halted in her tracks to listen to what Wendy had to say to her. 

"Look Molly, you might scare the others with this disgusting look of yours, but you don't scare a sh*t out of me. You might think you have won and this is over, but it isn't over till I say it is over, you are definitely going to pay for this" Wendy lifted her band-aid finger up to Molly's face who laughed at it. The more she looks at the finger, the more funny the finger looks even though it was healed. 

"Oh, it's okay to laugh all you want now, but it won't last long, you are definitely going to pay, Molly" Wendy threatened Molly, who the threats didn't scare for one bit. She's not scared of a little girl; she can smash her face into pieces if she tries to mess with her.