Molly's Really Lucky She Has Everything.

"Molly, how did you know your wolf had bloomed?Did you feel any strange movements in your body?Did you receive any signs?" This sudden question of Wren's didn't surprise Molly at all, Wren asking to know about wolf-blooming must be because of what she said to her at class today.

The worried look on Wren's face says it all, Molly never knew she was this worried concerning not having a wolf. Well, Wren is eighteen this year, so who wouldn't be worried that they have no wolf despite being eighteen?. But she shouldn't just let it get to her head, her wolf is still going to bloom.

It surely would, it's just time.

"Everyone gets theirs at the early age of eleven, twelve, thirteen but I got mine at fourteen which means I was a bit of a late bloomer too. So you have nothing to worry about, Wren" Molly paused the game she was playing and dropped her phone on the bed, attending to Wren was more important than any other thing right now.