She Has A Hard Decision To Make.

Wren was sleeping but sprang up to her feet immediately when she heard a sudden noise. She's a light sleeper so any slightest noise could actually wake her up. She swiftly turned on the lights only to see Molly standing at the door dressed up completely in a black outfit.

She totally looked like a burglar that just broke into someone's house because of the way she dressed up in a long black coat and also hid her face with a robber's mask.

There's no problem with the coat, but where the hell did Molly even get the mask from?. Is she planning to rob anyone tonight?. But she promised Wren she's no longer into stealing anymore, she said she has quit it.

"Molly, where the hell are you going looking like that?, What the hell is this?, What are you even wearing?" Wren moved closer to Molly standing at the door, her eyes still trying to figure out if the person dressed up like an armed robber right in front of her is still her best friend.