There Won't Even Be A Next Time.

Alpha Sanders was preparing some kind of delicacy in the kitchen when Wren decided to pay him a visit. She tiptoed with her steps carefully behind the counter as she wanted to scare him, but she hadn't even reached near him closely when he discovered her intentions.

"I know you are hiding behind the counter so stop trying to scare me. You are really bad at that, I wonder why you even try doing that?" Alpha Sanders turned with fast reflexes and caught Wren who was sneaking and tried to scare him.

"Ugh, you are no fun at all" Wren revealed herself, pulling a chair out and sitting on it. She came here to tell Alpha Sanders concerning Molly staying with her just like Tyler told her to do, before he would find out himself. But she made sure Molly was fast asleep before coming out here.

She can't leave Molly awake and be out here. The moment Wren will try it, it's possible Molly might just sabotage and expose everything.