This Guy Will Likely Become His Competition On Winning Wren Over.

"I'm thinking you should bring this Ryder guy who sabotaged your plan into our team, he looks like he could be of help and we could use another person since Michael's no longer with us" Lawson suggested to Tyler, who gave him one scary glare. He only brought up a harmless suggestion. What's wrong with it?.

"First of all, Lawson. That guy didn't sabotage my plan, I'm still good with Wren. Okay?. And even if any person will be coming over to our team, it's definitely not going to be that guy" Tyler gave Lawson the mean eye, before looking up to the sky. There's no way this guy will get into their basketball team.

It's true that one of their members ditched their team and began to hangout with his rival's team, Austin's recently. But that doesn't mean their team can't win against Austin whenever there is a new match.