The Wolf-less Girl Will Be Taking Over Soon.

"What's going on with you and Ryder?You are getting really closer to him than Sean and Stevie these days" Molly helped take care of Wren's hair, while she sat on a chair, facing the dresser and watching herself being turned into someone new.

"Nothing, we are just friends" Wren quickly gave Molly a response, avoiding their gaze from meeting through the mirror. Molly might see through her and observe she's lying. She can't know anything yet about the tattoo or Molly might be a hindrance when she will go to get it.

"Hmm, it's just that both of you are getting oddly close with each other, better be careful or Ryder's going to steal you away from Tyler" Molly indirectly gave Wren a warning for her to stay away from Ryder. Wren doesn't need to know Ryder likes her, she might try cutting ties with him if she eventually finds out.