Where The F**k Is Everyone When You Need Them?.

"Okay, first of all I'm not going to lock the door, I have no idea of the amount of craziness surrounding your mind right now. And don't try to compel me to do anything, we are one. You have no right to use my body against me. Our body to be precise" Wren refused to lock the door like Zita wants her to.

The door is closed already so there's no need of locking it and if anyone wants to get in, they have to knock first.

"Don't worry, I was never going to compel you or something as long as you will just pay attention to what I have to say, I will be good with that" Zita didn't bother about urging Wren to keep the door locked as long as she would listen to her. She wants no interrupters, that's all. Molly is likely going to barge in here soon.

"Okay" Wren sat on the bed, preparing herself to listen to the crazy things Zita is about to say next.