Sex Symbol.

"You guys haven't been talking to each other for how long now?" Simon questioned, Tyler has been getting a bit skinny lately as if he's sick. And he looks extremely worried in a way he hasn't seen him be for a very long time now.

"It's been three days now, she locked herself up in her room after I found her when she passed out. She came to school today and still won't talk to me, she's been avoiding me. I don't know what I did wrong" Tyler explained to his friends how his relationship with Wren has been going lately. 

"You should have asked her but since she doesn't want to talk to you, I think it's better to leave her alone. Give her some space, she might be having mood swings, girls have that all the time" Simon suggested to Tyler, Wren might be having mood swings, it must be why she hasn't talked to him for days now.

Simon's the best when it comes to knowing what's wrong with females.