They Are Good With Each Other Once Again.

"Stop being ridiculous, Zita, we have to go back. Sam isn't going to let you guys stay here, not after you ate his pet" Molly pointed towards the remains of Sam's dead pet Robin lying on the floor a few feets away from where Zita stood.

"Well, I told you guys I never meant to do that. I was just too hungry, I needed to feed on something. Isn't it a good thing I didn't go after humans?. I don't think Wren would have liked that much" Zita moved her attention to Sean, who staggered back the moment he felt her attention on him.

Zita looks really scary right now with all the blood stains on her body and clothes. Now, he's not so sure she only fed on a bunny, she might have actually fed on a human too.

"Why don't you explain that to Sam? And see how he responds to it. I don't think he will be getting another pet after he watched the first real one he has ever gotten for himself butchered" Molly said to Zita to let her know the amount of damage she has caused Sam.