It Damn Broke His Heart.

The Next Day, Weston High.

Wren took the earpiece off her ears, having the feeling she heard someone call her name from behind. She turned and saw Ryder, running to catch up with her. 

"Hey" Ryder greeted,

"Hey, Wren responded to the greeting. "What are you up to?," She questioned.

"Nothing, I just saw you from over there and so I came to say hi. I'm glad I have a chance to talk with you now Molly's not around. Both of you are always stuck together" Ryder gave Wren one of his prettiest smiles which she also returned.

"She said she had some stuff to take care of. And we are not always stuck together, sometimes I take a walk alone, you just don't notice it" Wren made Ryder understand she and Molly are not always stuck together. Everyone must be thinking the same since Molly's the first real friend she ever made.