Meeting Mark again.


Anna POV:

I got woke up at 5 am, I only sleep for 4 hours, I am very nervous and also I feel some kind of fearful aura but I can't easily give up, I have to pass this interview. I hope I can meet my Mark and say sorry to him, I know sorry is just a small word, if he tells me to die for my sins, I'll die.

I brush my teeth and take a cold Shower for freshness. I wore a peach color floral dress because Mark likes this color on me. I put a light makeup and lip balm. I take all my documents for my interview. I know that I have to use these documents for my job. I take my bag and went for breakfast. I don't have an appetite because of nervousness but Angel forces me to take it.

ANGEL: Anna I talk to my friend she told me that you don't have to go for an interview.

ANNA: why? Is there any problem?

(I asked her worriedly.)

ANGEL: Because you are directly selected.

ANNA: But how? Does Mark already know I'm here?

ANGEL: No Mark doesn't know, My friend manages these things for me.

Angel said smiling.

(I'm very happy after listening and smiling back, but somehow I'm afraid of meeting Mark again and nervous that what's Mark's reaction after seeing me as her new PA. I finish my food and went to the company by taxi, Angel force me to give a ride but I say no I can go by myself and she should go to her company. )

(Finally, I arrive at the company, there are lots of guards at the door and I thought they don't permit me to enter but I was wrong they doesn't stop me. I go near reception and tell a lady that I'm Anna, the new PA of Mark. She recognizes me and gives me my Id card and some papers to sign and tells me to go to the 9th floor where I meet Charles, vice president of the company. I'm going to step on the stairs but she told me that I can use the lift, I tell her that I'm afraid of lifts and climbing stairs is easy. I followed the instructions of the lady and reached the 9th floor. I knocked on the door and a voice came from behind and tell me to come inside. I open the and greet a man good morning with a smile but my smile became more beautiful when I saw my Mark after seven years, he is sitting on the chair with shocked eyes. But I don't know my face became fearful from his gaze, suddenly I remember my past in which what I have done to him and tears filled in my eyes,) then suddenly

Charles said," Good morning Miss Anna, this is Mark and Mark this is Anna, your new PA, Mona tells me that she is totally like you in business matters, and Anna I can say you know Marks already and saw him on many tv news, and..."

(Mark suddenly stands up from the chair and I can see a furious gaze and anger in his eyes. when Charles introduces us he kept staring at me with hateful eyes, I just keep staring at the floor. mark take slow steps towards me.)

Mark said with narrowed eyes, " Ok now I want to talk with miss Anna alone."

Charles nodded and went out.

Suddenly I feel very afraid. Now I'm only here with Mark. He is standing too close to me, his breath is touching my cheeks, he tugged my hair near my ear and said in a serious tone," So you're my new PA, hmm interesting.."

(by saying this he tightly grips my hand. tears started flowing from my eyes.)

ANNA: M..M..Mark it's hurting.

MARK: Is it? huh

(he asked softly)

MARK: You know what is hurting? seeing you is hurting, you refresh all my pain and incident of seven years ago.

( he yelled and tighter his grip more where bruises started to appear, )