Without showing my hell.


(I got angry when she'd make my favorite food for me, I hate all things which are related to her because I wanted to destroy all things related to her. I got furious and push her into the pool, but in a minute I don't know what got into me, I jumped to save her. I know she has a fear of pools and lakes etc, that's why I pushed her, but again I can't see her struggling in the pool. I kiss her to calm her. We both parted our lips, I cleared myself to her that I save her to torturing her and giving her the pain she deserves. After listening to me she started walking away from me. That's it I got more furious that how dare she is going away when I'm talking. I tell her that she did another mistake. And told her to bend on the table. She bends toward the table without hesitation. That satisfied me very much. Her fear for me. Her trembling body in my presence. Her fast heartbeats, all are satisfying me so much. I want to see her in that state where she couldn't run, just beg for mercy. But somehow I feel uneasy. I shrugged my shoulder and walk toward her. A thought popped into my mind that she can become a perfect submissive for me. This thought gives tightness to my dick. In one pull I tear her underwear. And tell her to count. I spanked her ass many times because of her mistakes in counting. After two hours finally, she counts right. She remained in the same position, tears continuously falling from her eyes. This doesn't satisfy me. I like her screams more than tears. But I want to give her pain. Huh! What I'm thinking. I can't forgive her easily without showing my hell.

I whisper in her ear.)

MARK: Babygirl, ready for punishment number two.

( She started trembling, I like that.)

MARK: Are you ready??

ANNA: Y...y..yes.

( I went to my room and take a condom. I turned her and lift her skirt. She looks terrified, in one pull I push my dick inside her. I fuck her so fastly. She started screaming, she is so tight. I fucked her last night so roughly but still I didn't get satisfied.)

ANNA: M.. Mmm... Mark, please... God... Please slowwww.

(I'm not in a mood to listen to her begging because there is no mercy for her and my dick is not in a mood to slow the pace. After reaching the climax. I again take one condom and put it on my dick then suddenly my phone started ringing.)

MARK: What??

CHARLES: Am I disturbing something important.

MARK: Just say it. Why are you calling me??

CHARLES: Don't you know the time?? I don't know that one day I have to see the world's number one CEO would come late to his office.

What are you doing bro?? I have a flight to Spain. Have you forgotten about it? Just come to the office quickly I have to take your signs on some papers.

MARK: Ok I'll come. Just wait there.


(Charles cut the phone, I take the condom and throw it. I can sense that she's thanking Charles in her mind. If I don't have to go then I fucked her till the night but it's important.)

MARK: I'll have to go but don't forget your duties sweetheart. I want every corner of the room cleaned, every wall of the room cleaned, and be prepared dinner and now you exactly know what should I eat or not otherwise if you liked that spanking, you can make the useless dishes. Now just get lost from my sight.

( I fixed my suit and went to my office without looking at her.)