Do not disobey me.

ANNA: I don't know.

( I said in my low voice and I can't even stare at his eyes. He chuckles and stares at me for some time.)

MARK: What's so special about this pendant? You never remove it even while sleeping.

( My hand unconsciously like a speed of light went to my neck and grabbed the tiny frame dangling in its middle. )

ANNA: Yes it's very special to me. too special.

( I whispered tightly holding it in my hand.)

MARK: Before we go remember to not cause me any trouble. There will be a lot of company owners who er stay away from them. Because.

( He grabbed my chin pulling my head up before completing his words.)

MARK: No one present there will be a saint. So better protect yourself and be smart I will not be able to be around you every second. Do not drink anything. Do not talk to any man you don't know. Do not try to engage in conversation with mistresses present there. And most importantly. DO NOT DISOBEY ME. Understood.

( I nodded in fear watching his dark expressions at how he was when he completed his words.)

ark Let's go.

( I followed him, to the car, and he asked his driver to drive. So only we reached the venue. I can tell that there will be a lot of paparazzi, I feel afraid, I can see a smirk on Mark's face. He stepped out of the car and open the door for me, I thought he might ask me to come but I became stunned when he exited the car and offered me his hand. I stepped out, he take my hand in his hand. I couldn't help but feel anxious at how desperately the paparazzi taking photos of us. While Mark is unbothered and holds my waist tightly and closer.

" Mark my boy." Mark rolled his eyes before turning towards the old man who came to him with a wide smile.

" How are you?" Mark nodded at the man with a blank face.

" I am good Mr. Chris how are you ?" Mr. Chris nodded before patting Mark's shoulder.

" I am a good son. And who is this beautiful lady beside you? Everyone is talking about you two." I roamed my eyes around the hallway to find everyone looking at us. IntentionallMark'srk grip on my waist became tight. )

MARK: Don't worry Mr. Chris you will know who she is to me soon.

( Mr. Chris smiled at him, but I feel afraid because Mark doesn't tell him that I'm his secretary, so Mark may plan something. I prayed to God. Mark escorts me to the VIP table and made me sit beside him and keeping his large palm on my thigh. He didn't even try to remove his hand. I feel very anxious. He kept caressing my thighs using his thumb while keeping his eyes on the stage as many people came and give their speeches indeed it was a big party for a successful project.)

" Now we would like to invite Mark Volkov on the stage. Without him, this project would never be succeeded. Please round of applause for the hard-working young man. The owner of Volkov textiles MARK VOLKOV."

(Everyone applauded, he made his way towards the stage, my heartbeat rose when he turned towards me and shot me a smile. His smile didn't fail to scare the shit out of me. )