ALEX: See I told you that it's easy.
( Yeah it's really easy but I can feel a sharp gaze on my back which stabbing my heart merciless And which none other than my husband. A shiver rolls down my spine. I can sense Mark starting walking toward us with slow and dangerous steps. I can sense how furious is. Suddenly he holds my arm and pulls me towards his chest.)
MARK: Can I also take a chance to dance with my wife?
ALEX: Yeah sure Sir.
( I can sense Alex looking at doubtfully me. Mark started dancing with me, he tighter his grip on my waist and leaned to my ear, and whispered,)
MARK: You dare to disobey me. I told you to not whoring around but you ended up whoring. In the elevator, you even pulled by him and you saw me but no you let me wait and you were busy exchanging numbers. Why baby girl, why can't you listen to me once. Now tonight, I'll show my one more side and you have to take all the punishment sweetly. I will fuck you tonight more hardly that you will forget that boy's name.
(I started trembling, and soon fear took me over when he started dragging me towards the exit gate, many people staring at us, Mark pushes me inside the car and started driving towards the mansion. We reached our mansion. I feel very afraid. He harshly drags me inside. He started taking me to the room, but we passed from his room, he dragged me to another side of the floor where I never have been, he kicks the door which opens in one second and the next he harshly push me to the ground. The room was dark. I can't see anything that he walked towards the switch and on it. I became shocked after seeing that room. I want to escape but he locked the door. I was afraid that I will be going to face hell.)