Make Me Remember


"You still believe that she belongs to you? To you and you alone?"

I watch Kage as his eyes grow wide with rage, "You are damn fucking right about that. Now, do I need to repeat myself?"

I cannot help but spit back at him in utter fury, "If you have not noticed, she is with someone else."

"And if you have forgotten, she is back in town because I wanted her to be here."

The mere thought of the lengths this man would go to get what he wants sets every emotion racing. He was the one that did everything in his power to get Anna out of town, and now, after all these years, he wants her back.

Yes, Kage has come under fire for not having marked Anna when he had the chance, but what he has done now…

It is fucking insane.

Yet, he would be wise to remember that our dear Anna does not like to be told what to do and let alone be pushed into a corner.

So, as I slowly rise from my chair, I give Kage a once-over, "You are playing a dangerous game. You think you lost her ten years ago, wait until she finds out, then you can say goodbye to her forever."

There is a loud thud as he smashes his hand down onto the table, "I don't seem to recall asking for your opinion. And just to make things clear, I am the fucking Alpha. Not you. Not Slater."

"Oh, is that how it is going to be now? We are going back on the decision we all made together? Well, fuck you, Kage."

With that, I spin on my heels and head for the very back door from which we all just came. If I do not leave now, I am going to say something that I will regret, and even worse, I will let my fists do the talking.

Kage is out of line.

He has been out of line since the day that Avyanna left.

But for years he has been hiding that inner turmoil, that battle that he has been fighting with himself. Trying to convince himself that he did the right thing by chasing the only woman we ever loved away.

Avyanna leaving us hurt us all to some degree.

Me, I made peace with it.

Slater, it broke his heart.

And as for Kage, he was never the same.

She took a piece of all of us when she left, and for some of us, it was just easier to get that piece back.

Though not truly for Kage, the only way that he could get that piece back was by bringing Avyanna back.

And here she is.

A fucking goddess in her own. She has grown into one beautiful woman, and yes I can understand why Kage is claiming her for his own.

But did he forget?

Avyanna loves us all, and to some degree, I don't think that has changed.

Well, I am hoping because having her back in my life would complete that emptiness that I have felt for far too long. No woman, none of these casual fucks, could ever compare to Avyanna. Perhaps now that she is back, I can stop searching for something that I know that I will never find.

But there is someone I do find as I step through that back door…

The goddess herself.

Standing with her back to me, resting against the wall, I can hear her breath shudder. A sound I heard so many nights before. Each time she had a fight with Kage, I would find her in the darkest corners, trying to fight back those tears.

Tears which she always told me were tears of hopelessness that she cried for Kage. When she used to get so frustrated that he did not understand her.

And I can almost guarantee that hitch in her breath, those tears that I know are running down her cheek, they are for Kage.

Yes, we all resolved ourselves that even if she loved us all, she loved Kage the most. He was the only man out of the three Xavier brothers that could make her cry.

And the only brother that could ease that pain that she felt in her heart, was Slater.

Where did it leave me?

I was the only brother who could take her in my arms, and she would cry every single last tear until there were none left.

So as I slowly walk up to her from behind, I lower my voice to that of a whisper, "Anna."

She immediately spins around, taking her hand and desperately trying to wipe those tears away, yet her voice still trembles as she speaks, "Niko, how long have you been there?"

"Long enough to know that Kage is still an asshole."

"What makes you think I am crying about Kage? Liam is pretty pissed off himself."

For some reason, I cannot help but chuckle, and as I reach forward, I take her shaky hand in mine, "That boy is so not you. Where on earth did you find him?"

"I guess he is a means to an end."

"Meaning that he is not Kage?"

My mere words bring a new shudder to her body, and beyond what she can even control, she bursts out in a cry that is so deep and painful even my heart hurts along with hers.

Pulling her closer, I lay her head against my chest. Feeling as her tears soak my shirt while she is scrunching her fingers into it for dear life. Then as one, and then another, pop open, her palm rests warm against my naked chest.

The touch of her skin against my hot flesh awakens a feeling that I have not felt in years, a feeling I wished I would someday feel again. Every second her hand lays there, she slices open that wound and erupt those dormant emotions once again.

As the passion consumes me again, I allow my arm to encircle her body and pull her even closer. Pulling her bosom so close up to my chest that I can feel her heart pound.

Then I feel her breath linger at the tip of my ear, "Niko, I can't."

"Anna, let me show you that I am the only man that you need in your life."

"Niko, please…"

Yet I do not let her say another word. I press her hard against the wall. With my left hand caressing her cheek, I can hardly find the words, "Please, I want to remember what it feels like."

Moving an inch of a breath closer, my lips lightly brush against her cheek. My mere touch sends her body to shiver.

Feeling as my own body trembles, I softly whisper, "If you want me to stop, then tell me now."

Yet, she remains silent.

Then I trace my lips over her cheekbone, "Perhaps now?"

Still, she does not say a word.

Instead, she knots her fingers in my shirt and pulls my lips closer. Feeling her lips cover mine, they are soft and tender, ripping my soul right open. Her lips are softer than I can remember, never has she felt as fucking good as she did now.

Kissing me gently and carefully, there is a desperation, a need. It feels as though she was begging me to forget. Her tongue dancing, her mouth exploring. Tasting every bit of me that she can.

Running my hand down her back, I clasp her thigh and draw her even closer. She arches into me, there is a fire twisting and burning between our bodies.

Kissing me harder and deeper, I hear her softly moan. My passion rises and I can feel my erection grow.

Anna is making me remember.

And fuck, she feels goddamn good.

As she tangles her tongue around mine for one last moment, she breaks away.

Staring deep into my eyes, I watch her bite down on her bottom lip, "I am so sorry. I did not mean for that to happen."

With my lips still burning from her kiss, I cup her chin into my hand, "Don't be sorry. I am the one who wanted it."

Staring into her eyes, I can see that sparkle return, yet there is still a hint of sadness.

She surely cannot still be mad at Kage?

There must be something else.

So as all those dormant feelings for her start to course through my veins, I know that no matter what, I need her back in my life.

But there is Kage.

Kage will never let us be together.

Though I know how to get rid of him for good, "Anna, there is something that I need to tell you."