My Addiction

If my life was not a mess before, then it is now nothing but a fuck up. I have not been in this town for a goddamn hour and I have had all three Xavier brothers doing what they do best…

Claiming what they think is theirs.

And did I stop them?

Not the least fucking bit.

I need to get as far away from the three of them, but what my head tells me is not what my body wants. My body has done nothing but betray me with each encounter I have had. It seems that not only did these boys do some growing up, but the addiction they bring, has me craving them stronger than any drug.

Stronger than ever before.

With each whispered breath, they have by their heated touch set my body completely alight. I am so near damn close to exploding, if one of them edges their way over my lace panties, I might just erupt.

Standing here with Slater as he pulls me back closer to him, there is nothing that I want more than to give in. Seeing him bulging in those skinny jeans, has me wanting the one thing that I cannot have...

I want him buried so deep inside of me, that I want to completely forget my own name as his will be the only one I will be screaming. And by the depths of the lust hazing over his eyes, I know that he is thinking exactly the same thing.

I want to feel that raw passion, being taken to the height of pure ecstasy and free-falling from that cliff in one glorious orgasm after the other.

I will not lie, I so desperately want to fall back into the Xavier brothers.

But I have Liam.

And that is something that I will do well to remember.

"Slater, I cannot do this. This has already gone too far," watching his lips part, wanting to pull me that inch back closer, I place the tip of my finger on those lips, stopping him from saying another word, "Please you need to let me go, and," I hesitate for a fraction of a second, knowing that he will not pass the message, yet I still continue, "Tell Kage and Niko to stay away from me too."

With that I watch as his face drops into an agony of desperation, then from underneath his breath I hear him mumble, "You know we cannot do that."

Feeling as if my heart is being ripped right open, I wish so fucking badly that this was something that they said ten years ago, and I cannot help but feel a hint of anger crawl to the surface, "You did it all those years ago, you sure as hell can do it now."

And just as he wants to snap back in anger, I reach for the door, and not looking back for a single glance, I make my exit. But my body still craves that touch, and I feel this internal battle within myself.

Do I listen to the sensible body part on top of my shoulders or the one that is purring between my legs?

One thing is for certain though…

The less I see of these boys, the better it would be for all of us.

My heart cannot go back there, and to be really damn honest…not even my body can.

I cannot allow myself to get lost in Niko, nor Slater, and most of all Kage.

I have Liam.

And it is Liam that is now looking at me with one rather large questionable look on his face. I can see the anger boiling underneath the surface of those dark eyes. And if that was not enough to scare me shitless, I can see a bruise forming where Kage had punched him.

There is a part of me that wants to burst out in a chuckle, but as I decide against making a complete fool of him and myself, I finally sit down next to him, and it does not take him long to get the burning question off lips, "Where have you been?"

"I was getting some fresh air."

"Fresh air," his voice raises a pitch as he looks over to where Slater is now joining their table again, "Funny I was outside just a few minutes ago and I did not see you."

"I did not say I was outside."

"Then how do you get fresh air? Perhaps breathing it from the mouth of that dick that punched me?" Then he goes silent for a tick of a second, his anger raising along with the tone of his voice, "But he has been at his table this whole time, though the one did leave and came back, and that one just joined seconds after you planted your ass down."

Feeling as the room slowly starts to spin out of control, I take a few rapid breaths hoping that Liam will not see right through the bullshit I am trying to pass for an excuse, "I have no idea what you are trying to suggest here, but whatever it is, you are wrong."

"Wrong? Am I wrong?"

And as Liam's voice grows even louder, I look over to where Kage has taken notice that Liam and I are arguing for most of the crowd to hear, then Liam grabs me by the arm and pulls me closer, "I heard a little rumor when I was at the bar."

Not taking my eyes from him for a minute, I feel an iciness crawl over my skin, then trying my best to mumble a whisper, my voice comes out as a terrified stutter, "What rumor?"

"You, and the three Xavier brothers," raising his voice that fraction louder again, "Do you want me to go into detail?"

"I don't know what you are talking about."

"Bullshit Avyanna, bullshit. I doubt the bartender is making up stories."

"I have never seen this bartender in my life before, I don't even know who he is."

"Well, he seems to know all about you and your relationship with the Xavier brothers."

As I glance over at the bar, I see Kage standing at the counter talking to the bartender with one fucking huge smirk on his face. Of course, he got the damn bartender to talk shit into Liam's ear. Not that it is really just a rumor, but the thing is what exactly did he feel he needed to share?

But just as I am about to launch back at Liam, I feel a wave of relief wash over me as I watch Olivia comes to take a seat next to me, "Hey, sis. Want to walk with me to the ladies?"

I do not even have to think twice, it takes me less than a second to jump off my chair, "Of course, I need to freshen up any case."

"Have you not done enough freshening up already?" I hear as Liam growls in anger, trying to pull me down back into my chair.

"Let me go, Liam," my voice travelling far louder than I truly intended, causing almost every person to snap their head in my direction.

Next, I see Kage descending on our table faster than a speeding bullet, though Olivia sees him coming at me, and she rushes towards him, stopping him dead in his tracks. Not able to hear a single word she says to him, I watch as he reluctantly drop his hands into fists by his side and turns around to head back to his table.

I thank my lucky stars that Liam does not see this as he is too busy to try and stop me from leaving the table. Ripping away from his ever-tightening grip, I step away, and I give him one warning, "If you ever talk or touch me like that again, it will be the last fucking thing that you ever do. Do you understand me?"

Watching as his face turns a slight shade of red, he tries to reach out for me once again, but this time there is nothing but regret laced in his voice. With eyes that are near damn begging, I listen as he tries to mumble his attempt at a piss poor ass apology, "I am sorry, baby. You know how jealous I get."

Gritting down hard on my teeth, I try my damn best not to raise my voice for everyone to hear. So as I step one step back closer to where he is sitting, my words come out as a whisper, yet still a stern warning, "You better un-jealous yourself. I do not belong to you, yes I am your girlfriend but I am not your fucking property."

Ya, perhaps that is something I should tell myself too, for I am letting these three fucking brothers own me. But what else I am doing is allowing them to come between me and Liam. I know Kage is doing this all on purpose and I have been playing right into their hand.

What is it that he said after all?

"Why do you think you are back in town?"

Well, that is something that I am about to find out.

As Olivia and I are finally behind the closed doors of the bathroom, I turn to ask her the question that she has been avoiding, "How is mom? Why have you been reluctant for me to see her?"

Breaking that contact with my eyes in near less than a second, she stares at herself in the mirror while touching up her lipstick. By the look of things, she is still trying her fucking hardest to avoid giving me the answers.

So ripping her favorite red from her fingers, my voice grows louder with every breath I take, "I asked you a question, Olivia. How is mom?"

Bowing her head down, I listen as she starts off with a mumble, "Mom is still much the same. The Doctors said she might even live longer than we all expected." As she pauses for a breath, I hear her gasp in utter turmoil, "If it was not for dad taking so good care of her, then things would have been far different."

Shaking my head in utter confusion, I take her trembling hand within mine. She is carrying a secret and I can see it as clear as fucking day. So as I squeeze her hand with that tiny fraction of love, I push her even harder, "Then why was it so urgent for me to come home? Mom is fine, why did I have to come back to Jackson?"

She sighs and I watch as her shoulders drop in defeat, "Because dad is in trouble."

"Dad? What do you mean? What trouble is he in?"

Then, the last of the restraint she was clinging to, snaps like a broken chord. With eyes that have lost the last life they had in them, she turns to face me and with her shaky lips, I almost do not hear what she says next, "Dad is in trouble with the Xavier brothers."