Nasty Surprise

Watching as Liam drives off, I won't lie, but I feel a sense of relief. I knew that coming back home will complicate things, but I did not quite foresee it doing a complete one-eighty. If I must be honest with myself, I am glad to see him go. After all, I did not want him here to begin with as it is.

But judging by the unspoken rage that has consumed him, I know that give him a day or two and he will be back to check up on me.

Now how Kage will take that is yet to be seen. Though he already has this idea in his head that I belong to him.

He has just taken my luggage and thrown it in the back of a ridiculously overpriced sports car. It seems that the Xavier brothers have more money than they know what to do with. I truly thought that he was just all big mouth about owning this town, but I think I might have slightly underestimated him.

While he continues to load my belongings into the back of his car, I have Olivia standing in front of me with eyes that hold so much sorry it looks like she can just about shatter into pieces at any moment. So gently pulling her into a hug, I try to speak soft enough so that Kage cannot hear me, "Hey, Liv. It is not your fault. Please don't beat yourself up over it."

"But Avy, I am the one that phoned you to tell you to come back home."

Glancing over my shoulder at Kage, I continue to whisper, "If you did not phone me, then I am pretty sure he would have."

"Still, it does not make it any better. Dad is going to be so pissed off when he hears what has happened."

"Don't tell dad that I am in town until I get a chance to speak to him myself, please."

"Avy, nothing stays a secret in this town. You know that."

Pulling away from her, I can hear Kage comes walking up behind us. The mere anticipation of having him close to me sets my heart racing. I feel an old familiar feeling crawl up in the pit of my stomach. The butterflies I used to feel whenever he was near, start to torment me. Nearly holding my breath, I wait for him to lock his arm around my waist like he always did.

But as he comes to stand next to me, I see that goddamn smirk grow even wider on his soft and supple lips, "Are you ready, Avyanna? I think I have had enough drama for today."

Trying to push the annoying little flutter in my stomach aside, I give Olivia one last hug and turn away from Kage and rush over to his car before he can even attempt to touch me.

Though just as I am about to reach to open the door, I feel his arm sweep around me. As he slides his hand over mine and pulls the door open, my heart nearly skips a goddamn beat.

This is going to be a problem for me.

Seeing my body react to him, he only but smiles and leans closer to my ear. With his warm breath lingering, I hear softly chuckle, "Are you okay there, my little wolf?"

Just hearing him call me his little wolf again makes me feel a rush of emotions flood over me.

I am so fucked.


That is the first genuine smile I have seen on her face.

Am I affecting her the same way that she is me?

Has she felt all those emotions come rushing back to the surface?

Something tells me that before the three months are done, she will be begging me to stay.

But I will not celebrate that victory so soon yet.

As I slide into the driver's seat and glance over to where she is staring out of the window, she is trying her damn hardest to act so unaffectedly. But who is she fooling? I can see her chest rise and fall far more rapidly than it should, and she tends to forget that I can hear every thumping beat of her heart.

So, as I bring the car to a roaring start, I slam the pedal to the floor and speed out of the parking lot. For a brief moment, her eyes lock with mine, "Still chasing that high I see."

"Among other ones, yes, I still do. Don't tell me you don't crave that ecstasy?"

I watch her grind onto her teeth, then with one cocky smile, she snaps back at me, "Yes, that is what I have Liam for."

Oh, she just did not say that, did she?

Feeling as the heat creeps over my face, I clench the steering wheel far tighter than is truly necessary. And as I wait for the rage to pass through my body, I cannot help but hiss through my teeth, "I would appreciate it if you do not mention that man while you are with me."

"Oh, are we a bit jealous, perhaps?"

"Why should I be jealous when I know that you belong to me?"

"I do not belong to you of Liam."

"If that is the case, then do not mention the fucking pretty boy's name again."

With nothing but a loud huff, she folds her arms in front of her chest and continues to stare out of the window.

For the remainder of the drive home, we sit in utter silence. Not once does she look back in my direction. Though she is constantly looking at her phone, probably checking if her precious old Liam has sent her a message. The man is most likely already off fucking some other woman.

After navigating through the streets for about fifteen minutes, we finally pull up to the big steel gates that lead into our property. The three of us still share the same house, though I have been considering telling Slater and Niko to find somewhere else to crash for the next three months. The last thing I want them is to fuck around with Avyanna.

But I am going to trust them.

They better not make me fucking regret it.

And it is them that are standing at the front door as I make my way up the driveway. The second that Avyanna sees them waiting, she turns to me, "Don't tell me they are going to be here as well?"

"Why? Is that a problem?"


Of course, that is a fucking problem.

How am I going to resist Slater and Niko when I can barely keep my hands off Kage?

This is a bloody nightmare.

But I only shake my head, trying to hide the lie in my eye that I know that Kage can see from a mile, "No, that is not a problem. Just as long as my room is as far away from all of you."

Next, I listen as Kage bursts out in a sick fit of laughter, barely able to contain himself. Exactly what is he finding so goddamn funny? Something tells me that I do not want to know.

Though next, I see him jumping out of his seat and rushing around the car to open the door for me. With a complete dumbstruck look on my face, I just stare at him, "Since when did you become a gentleman?"

Holding me by the hand, he leads to up to the front door, "Since I need to win you over."

Ignoring his comment completely, I come to a standstill in front of Slater and Niko. Now I am going to guess here, but not one of these boys knows that the other one was trying their best to seduce me earlier on. But believe me, their eyes are telling me everything their bodies are feeling at this present moment.

Niko has that playful look in those soft blue eyes, he is so ready to tease and play. If Kage gave him just a minute, he would be crawling all over my body, taking those panties off that I am not wearing.

As for Slater, his eyes are warm, and judging by his hands tucked into his pockets, I know that he is adjusting himself just that fraction. I can see by the slight twitch in his lips that right now he is imagining kissing me.

But next to me I have a very unable-to-read Kage at the moment. He is up to something.

I know it.

And as he takes me past Slater and Niko, not even allowing them to give me a simple hug or even a peck of a kiss, he calls over his shoulder at the both of them, "Put her luggage in my room."

I don't think I heard him.

Did I hear him?

"What did you say?"

"I said to put your luggage in my room."