Where You Belong

…Kage POV…

I knew that this was a bad idea.

I knew trying to trap Avyanna in this deal would do me more harm than good.

The fact is, and a piece of information that I will never reveal, but I could have easily written her father's debt to me off. I have done it before, not only for him, but for many others. I might seem like a ruthless and cold-hearted bastard, but there is something about a man that is willing to lose it all just to protect his family that I respect.

So yes, I grabbed onto the opportunity to get the only woman that I have ever loved back into my bed. I was a fool for letting her slip away from me all those years ago, and I will be damned if I let it happen now again. But the fact is, she hates everything that I stand for, and I hate her just as much for her betrayal that caused me to chase her away.

Is it something that I ever will get over?

Fuck knows, but all I know as I am standing here, and my eyes are scanning over every inch of that body, is that I am going to crash and burn. The way those tiny little white shorts hug her tight ass has me wanting to readjust the ever-growing hard-on starting to tent my gym shorts. Though it is those erect nipples straining against that tank top that nearly undoes me. One thing is for certain…

Avyanna Tate will be my downfall.

When did the woman get so fucking beautiful? The pictures I have seen of her over the years do not do her justice at all. And I am not talking about the ones that were plastered all over those fucking magazines, I am talking about the ones the protection I put on her took of her in the privacy of her home.

Yes, I have had eyes on her for years.

Call it an obsession.

Call it love.

Call it whatever you want, but that day I sat in my office and I realised what a dick I have been for pushing her away. That was the day I put constant eyes on her. Bringing her back here has been a plan I have been nurturing for some time now, but when her father got himself knee-deep into the shit with me, it is then I knew I had to act.

And, of course, she was starting to get serious with this Liam guy. I had to put a stop to it. But there is a part of me that is telling me that things between them are a lot more serious than I thought.

Hence my question to her, "Does Liam know what we are?"

"What? That you are a fucking jerk that is hellbent on holding me a prisoner in your home?"

I cannot help but growl in utter frustration. Here I thought that we were going to have a decent goddamn conversation, but know that mouth of hers always has to have the last say. There is so much hatred spewing from those lips, a hatred that I want to kiss the living shit out of her.

So ignoring those pouty lips, and moving my erection yet again, I step away from the counter I have been leaning against and slowly made the two strides over to her, "I asked you a question, Avyanna, it did not ask for your attitude." With our lips only but a breath away, I listen as her heart start to pound against her chest. Then leaning an inch closer, allowing my breath to linger at the tip of her ear, I softly whisper, "Does lover boy know what you turn into when the full moon strikes?"

There is a tiny gasp that escapes those sweet lips, and with her trembling hands, she splays them against my chest and push me away, "No he does not. And I will appreciate it if you do not tell him."

"Why? Will he look at you in a different way?"

"Kage, I am warning you. Liam will not understand."

Stepping right back into her space, I try to fight the urge, but my damn arms have a mind of their own as they lock around her waist. Pulling her tight into my chest, I feel those nipples pierce into my skin. Knowing there is only a thin layer between our naked bodies, I twist my fingers in the edges of her shirt, and threaten to slide my over-eager paws underneath it.

With our eyes locked, and our lips only inches apart, I slowly start backing her up against the counter. The second her back makes contact with the cold surface, my fingers dig into her thighs and I lift her on top of it.

"Kage, what are you doing?"

"I asked you a question. Will lover boy still treat you the same if he has to find out the truth?"

"What is your point?"

Pushing her legs apart, I stand between her and lock her legs around my waist, "My point is that you need to be with your own kind."

I watch as she throws her head back in laughter and I have to stop every muscle in my body from moving forward and running my tongue down her neck and right down between those tits and sucking on those nipples.

"What is so funny, Avyanna?"

"You, Kage. Do I belong with your kind?"

"My little wolf, if you did not, you would have unhooked those legs from my waist a long time ago."

Somehow realizing that she has herself still clamped around my body, she tries to push away, but just as she shoves her hands into my chest, I knot my hands in the seams of her shirt and have it over her head even faster than she takes her next breath.


"Fuck, Avyanna. You are so goddamn beautiful."

Twisting my hand around that ponytail, I pull her head backward until she is lying flat on the cold kitchen counter. Grasping her one hand and then the other, I pin them above her head. I don't know if she is squirming from the anticipation of what I am about to do to her or if it is her attempt to free herself from my grip.

But it only fuels me to run my tongue around her navel, then slowly trailing it up to her stomach to the contour of her breast. As I sweep my tongue around her nipple…one…two…three times, she lets out a shattering moan. Lashing her sensitive tip over and over, I feel my erection starting to ache out of control. If I do not take her now, then I am going to fucking explode.

Though I want to take my time with her, I want to savor my first taste of Avyanna again for as long as I can. Taking her nipple between my teeth, I gently, yet with enough pressure, bite into her nub. She is squirming at the same rate my dick is out of control.


"Yes, Kage?"

"You belong with me, Liam is not your kind."

Moving my trembling lips back down to the edges of her tiny white shorts, I hear her beg in almost utter torture, "Kage, please."

Flipping the button of her shorts, I look up to gaze into her lust gazed eyes, "If you don't stay away from him, then I will make sure he finds out."

She immediately sits up straight and pierces those beautiful blue eyes into mine, but just as she is about to protest at my comment, I yank her shorts over her perky little ass and down to her feet.

"Avyanna, why the fuck do you not have any panties on?"

Staying locked with her piercing gaze for just another fraction of a minute, the craving to taste her consumes me more than anything else. Darting my tongue to her entrance, I am soaked in her juices. Forgetting completely what I have just said, she falls back onto the counter and grip my hair in her hands.

"Fuck, don't stop Kage."

Sliding my tongue through her folds, I cannot help but smile against her clit. I am going to show her that she belongs with my kind, even if I have to eat this fucking pussy every night to prove that to her.

Then, just as I am about to suck that sweet clit into my mouth, I hear a rather deep voice behind me clear his throat, "You know as much as this turns me on, you do know there are fucking rooms for this."

I watch as Avyanna's body snap right up, "Slater." Then, as she looks over his shoulder, her beautiful face flushes even more pink than it already is, "Niko."

Next, she grabs hold of her tank top and her discarded shorts, and head right for the stairs, but before she reaches the top, I call after her, "Remember what I said."

"Fuck you, Kage."

With Avyanna gone, Slater turns to me, "I don't understand the two of you. You hate each other, yet you cannot keep your fucking paws off each other, either."

"That is none of your fucking business. And why are the two of you not out?"

I watch as Niko grabs a beer from the fridge, and as he twists the top off and takes a big sip, he stands back, leaning against the counter, staring at me, "We have a problem."

"What fucking problem."

Slater, now joining him, also takes a sip from his bottle, "A Liam problem."