A Love That Has Never Died


If I for some fucked up reason did not care for upsetting Avyanna, I would have punched this smirk off this asshole's face. Where in his warped universe would he ever accept what Avyanna is? I can see his bones trembling at the mere thought that things such as werewolves exist. The only reason this idiot is saying he is fine with it is because he cannot stomach the fact that he might lose her to me.

Well, guess what?

She is mine.

I can see that longing in her eyes. It is not a longing for him, but for me. Avyanna knows deep down in the bottom of her heart and, dare I even say soul, that she wants me. She needs me. If there is anyone that knows what her body longs for, then it is me. Liam has been a means to an end, someone to fill that gap that I have left behind.

But fuck, if she chooses him.

It will shatter me.

So with half a hand reaching out to her and a hand coming from that asshole at the very same time, I can barely breathe. I feel like slicing that idiot's hand off and feeding it to him. How dare he stand there and challenge me?

"Avyanna," my voice is a mere whisper.

Her gaze locks with mine, and I can see the confusion and, dare I say, desperation lingering in her eyes. I can almost say that she hates Liam for forcing her to make this choice. I know that the fact of her father's debt will trump over any decision she is forced to make, but there is that part of me that wants her to choose me for me.

"Liam," she turns to the idiot still sporting that smirk. "Please do not get me wrong, I care for you, but what we have will never be more than what it is now. And I hate that you are making me choose and for that, I am even more sure that I would rather leave here with Kage. I am what I am and you might say that you accept it, but you do not understand it. I need to be with my kind, and what I need even more is for you to leave town."

Turning back to me, I can barely keep that fucking smirk at bay, then she takes my hand, "Please just take me home. I am not saying that we are fine either, but I am here for a reason, and that is the only reason that will ever count."

Not exactly what I was hoping for, but fuck, she is coming home with me.

Driving home, I can say that it is near torture. The air between us is thick, and the tension is unbearable. It is not the kind of tension that leaves you on the edge; it is that spoken words that have gone silent that have this undeniable attraction building up between us. If there was any yearning desire between us before, she has just claimed me just as much as I have claimed her.

After a long agonizing ten minutes, she finally turns to me with a great concern on her face, "You do know that Liam is not just going to go away."

Unable to contain that smile, my gaze locks with hers, "I was kind of looking forward to the challenge, but if he was wise, which he is obviously not, I would be leaving town right about now."

For the first time in nearly over an hour, her laughter echoes throughout the car, "Promise me that you will not hurt him."

"Avyanna, you know who I am and all those years without you have made me into the kind of beast you do not want to know."

Studying my face for more than a fraction of a minute, I see those beautiful eyes turn into question, "If I am the reason why you have become so heartless, why did you turn me away in the first place."

"Do I really need to remind you about my brothers?"

"Kage, I never intended for things to work out the way they did. But…" I watch her hesitate as she chooses her next word carefully. "Kage, how can one not be in love with three fucking amazing guys? Brothers. You are so similar, yet so far apart. But looking at one thing?"

Looking at her, I cannot help but wonder what is the worst thing that she can say to me right now. Feeling on top of the fucking world because she chose me, I cannot bear for her to tell me anything that can bring me down from this high.

So with an honesty that only I can read in those eyes, she stares out of the window at the passing cars and in almost nearly a whisper, with her voice trembling, "Kage even though I loved all three of you, you were always the one my heart belonged to. I loved you more than what I ever desired Slater and Niko."

Completely stunned to silence, I pull into the driveway, where I can see Slater and Niko waiting in the doorway. As I exit the car, I run around to open the door for Avyanna. With my hands trembling and my heart thumping, I lead her past my brothers completely denying them the chance to utter a single word to her.

M and Much to her shocking surprise, I lead her past my room, heading straight for hers on the other side of the house. As she walks inside, I stand in the doorway consuming her entire body, still reading that confession in her eyes.

For the tick of a few seconds, we stand in total silence, feeling that fire between us nearly to a point of melting. With one last gaze, I fucking find my voice, "Good night, Avyanna."

Turning my back toward her, I hear her faint whisper, "Kage, please stay with me tonight."

Knowing that we still have a Liam problem, I turn to face her again, "Avyanna, I cannot be held responsible if I need to touch."

"Kage, perhaps I want you to touch."

"Is it a yes or just a, perhaps?"

Scrunching her fingers on the edges of my shirt, she slowly drags it over my rippled abs and peels it from my chest. Crawling her fingers to the buckle of my belt, she flips it open. While sliding my skinny jeans over my naked ass, I rip that little thing she calls a dress from every toned inch of her body.

Locking my arms around her waist, I run eager hands over that goddamn tight ass and drop her body onto the bed. As she bobs for that fraction with her breast bouncing, I cover her with my naked body.

"Avyanna, can I kiss you?"

"Since when does Kage ask for permission?"

"Since you told me that I was the only one for you once, and fuck if I knew that, I would have never let you go. In fact," I look away trying not to meet her eyes. "In all these ten years, I never actually let you go."

"What are you talking about, Kage."

"I have been watching you for the past ten years. You were never gone from my sight or my life. And for all these goddamn years, I have been silently hoping that you would come back because, whether you like it or not, we are destined to be mated." Slipping underneath the satin sheets, I knot my fist in her hair and pull her closer. "But I have realized I can't force you to love me again. What I can do is make the best of the next three months. And then the fucked up reality is that I will have to somehow learn to let you go."

For the longest moment, she pierces those eyes into my soul, crushing my heart and owning my mind, body, and soul. Then as fold her face within my hands, her words come as a tremble, "Kage, I have never stopped loving you. I just learned to live without you."

As she says those words, her sweet deep cherry lips cover mine. The overwhelming surge of shock causes me to slightly jerk. As she glides her tongue over my lips, tasting every corner of my mouth, the passion that has been lying dormant for so many years ignites into a raging desire.

Clawing her thighs, I grab that tight little ass and pull every inch of her toned body close up to mine, feeling her grind her hips against my throbbing cock. The closer I press her naked skin against my hot flesh, she locks her arms around my waist and closes that last inch of a gap between our bodies.

The air starts feeling hot and heavy. Our skins are melting into one. Our breathing becomes strained and erratic. As she runs her nails down my spine, the last of my crumbling restraint snaps. I have not felt these sensations in such a long time and Avyanna is awakening that man since I was ten years ago,

Before she can even protest, I wrap my hands around her wrists and pin them firmly above her head. The more she squirms to get them loose, the more raging my erection grows. Holding her in place with one hand, the over starts exploring her body. I cannot remember her being so firm and yet so soft.

Crashing our lips together, she squirms even more and I can feel how wet and wild my mere touch is making her. As I let go of her hands, she grabs my hair and delves her tongue until it intertwines with mine.

Barely able to form the words, I linger my lips at the tip of her ear, "Fuck my little wolf, I want to be inside of you."

Running me down the sensitive part of her neck, she gasps and a soft moan escapes her lips. Continuing the path that my tongue lashes, circling and tasting her skin, sets a fiery passion that I need her to satisfy.

As I continue to devour her, she makes the glorious sounds.

Fuck I want her.

Just as I am about to ask, god knows why I want to ask if I can be balls deep into her, I hear a knock at the door. Continuing to ignore it, I stutter and feel my body quiver, "Avyanna, I am not a man that asks permission but I want yours. Please I fucking need you so bad."

Before she can answer, there is a louder thump as someone is beating their fist against the door. Completely annoyed I get up and stomp towards the door, "Who the fuck has the nerve to interrupt me?"

From the other side, I hear Slater's voice, "Kage, we have a problem downstairs."

"Can it not wait?"?

"It is our dear friend Liam."

"So get rid of him."

Slater hesitates and I can hear a hint of fear, "He is kind of not alone. Apparently, he failed to mention he too turns bump at the full moon and he has so generously brought his pack."