Amari crouched down to the floor and started to use her fingers to run through the trace of the man's blood, which had stained the floor. She closed her eyes as she drew a sharp breath. She had read in the scroll the elders had given to her that if she could use her senses, that is her sense of smell, hearing, sight, taste and touch, then she could trigger a vision if she wanted to know something about a given situation.

There was some uniformed policemen in the crime scene, inside the barriers with her but they couldn't see her because she was being cloaked by an invisible spell she had done.

Sounds of ripping flesh and loud screams of a man suddenly rang out in Amari's head. She knew that it was the screams of the man that had died. She drew a sharp breath as flashes of what had happened came to her, and then with a gasp, she teleported from that place and appeared back in the cabin. Right in front of the elders and her circle.