In a vast mountain with a few dozen peaks, a person was sitting drawing something on a giant sheet.

That person is me, I was currently drawing the infrastructure for the sect. It is a plan to help future builders to create my sect. However, I don't know how I am going to build the sect, because I don't have any money. And I can't create a cult by myself, unless I want to take more than 10 years to build.

"System, how can I recruit followers to my sect. Especially since even if I want to recruit followers, I don't have any cultivation. So it's very difficult for me to recruit disciples without mounting his strength." I was really questioned on this issue, because without strength, no one would believe that you are a cult leader.

"You can simply recruit mortals without any cultivation base by pretending to be an expert. More so, that after living more than 1,000 years, you have an unparalleled expert appearance." It is true that after living 1000 years, I already have completely white hair due to old age. Nevertheless, I don't have any wrinkles and I look very much like a heavenly expert.

"It's true that now I can turn a normal human into a divine being just by giving them one of my sculptures or paintings." As a result of thinking it through, I can recruit normal people.

For now, I will only recruit a few disciples to learn how to become a master, and then I will expand the number of disciples. Because even if I look like an expert, I can't fight divine beings, so I can't create a sect with many disciples without any power. So, I will wait for my few followers that I will recruit to improve and then expand the sect.

"System, can you give me a map of the surrounding area, so I can go recruit in surrounding villages." The system quickly gave me the information of the surroundings in my brain. I can see everything over 1000 miles from my current location.

So, I quickly went down the mountain to pick up a disciple in a small village called "Star Beer Village." The village is a few miles away, and it is small, with only 1500 inhabitants.

After a few hours of walking, I finally arrived in front of the small village. This type of village is the smallest I noticed on the map. But they are already the size of a city in my old world. In the information about this world I got is that the number of humans is huge, hundreds of times more than those on Earth. Even medium-sized cities can be the size of a small country. Countries are easily the size of a continent, or even the entire surface of the Earth.

Thank you again for reading this chapter, I hope you found it useful. If you have any small improvements to make my novel better, feel free to tell me in the comments. Don't forget to add it to your collection and to give your opinion about the book.