Chapter 15: Sledge

I passed through the portal as I rode on Kaal's back.

As I was moving past the mountains if bodies the Horsemaster made besides the Portal, I made sure to swipe my hand and store all of them on my Inventory.

Immediately when I had passed through the portal, I felt a tingling sensation I had felt before.

I knew I was in deep trouble now.

Angel: "Why did you ignore my warning! You were lucky to have survived!"

Exactly as I had expected.

Raime: "It's no big deal, darling. I kn-"

Angel: "'NO BIG DEAL!"

*sigh* how am I going to calm her down.

I know she is just worried about me, since I was the first person to actually converse with her about things other than the Vault or with John's Manipulation of her words.

The others don't actually talk to her or get to know her on a personal level other than me.

And I was the first person to ever have done so for nearly a decade now since her isolation.

She saw me as someone closer than a friend. I knew because I I feel it through the Siren Connection with her.


After a cinstnat back and forth argument and telling telling one another, she had finally calmed down and listened to me.

I told her I knew about what the "Space-Time Abomoly" was she had told me about.

Kaal, the Phantom Horse was proof of that, which helped in calming her down.

After a period of time, she finally realised what had happened and became flustered as I can tell she was deeply blushing.

She is one of the smartest and most powerful individuals in the Galaxy, but she lacks any actual social interaction, which made my teasung all the more better.

He had cut of the Telepathy and gone silent.

I'll talk to her later.


I returned to the others and reported on what I had scouted out before I left to get my Phantom Horse.

Mordecai: "What is that creature you have there?"

(A/n Horses aren't seen in Borderlands cause they went extinct on Earth.)

I patted the side of Kaal as I answered the curious gazes of the others.

Raime: "This here is Kaal, my loyal companion. I had him at a nearby location but had to go get him since we'll be leaving once we deal with Sledge."

Roland: "Speaking of which..."

Raime: "Yes I got some Intel from my recon I did of Headstone Mine. We will easily be able to make our way there and past all the gates and barricades as I will use my personal teleporter to get us there with minimal resistance."

Lilith: "That's great and all, but can't you just drop in and drop a bomb in his place and get out since you can teleport?"

Brick: "But then that wouldn't be any fun! I wouldn't get to bust some heads!"

Mordecai: "Is fighting all you care about?"

Brick: "Who doesn't!"

Mordecai/Roland/Lilith: "We do."

Raime: "I don't."

Brick rushed over to me and grabbed me in a choke hold, I could barely breath dammit!

Brick: "See! Spectre agrees with me! I always knew I could count on my Best Friend!"

I teleport out of the Death Hug Brick was giving me! Damn!

He could thrash an army of Bane (DC) in a fight anyday with that kind of strength!

After recovering from my near death experience, I began to relay my plan with them. I also answered Lilith quesrion and told her that valuable information about the Vault could be destroyered in the process.

When they head my plan, they accepted it without a hitch, as it would be relatively easy if we did it my way.


As we went to Headstone Mine, we had met up with Shep Sanders...something about him gives me an odd feeling.

(A/n Raime always skipped this would thi k Sheo is a side character. He never listened to the Echo log of Brick killing Shep for his betrayal since he had walked away to do something, thus he had slipped this echo and doesn't know about Shep. This also what happened to me.)

Roland and group had gone to open and activates the gate switches, while I made my own way by teleporting to Sledge and scouting out the area once more.

Once I returned and found the gang, we rested and checked our gear.

I had been pestered by Brick constantly taht I barely git any sleep. I had been able to convince Brick that we will fight our way out so that we can fulfill Brick's request to kill everything.


When the time finally came, we all had made our way to Headstone Mine. When we got close enough, I grabbed onto everybody and teleported us up and across the rooftops of the steel roofed structures.

Reaching Sledge's Main Building was the easiest thing I had ever done.

I used the Dark Saber to cut open a hole in the rooftop and broke inside, I made sure to keep the cut plate from falling and causing a clattering noise.

Angel: "This one is a brute, and he has a powerful shield you will need to whittle down before you can hurt him. Dont let him touch you."

I made sure no one else would hear me as I responded to Angel.

Raime: "Don't worry darling, the only one that can touch me would be you."

Making Angel blushing from embarrassment is all too easy.

Angel: "You're about to have a difficult fight ahead of you and you come up with chessy lines like that?"

Raime: "Is it so wrong to want to flirt with a beautiful girl before someone has a life and death battle?"

Angel: "Yo-"

Before hse could answer I had reached the others and we saw Sledge sitting on his bone throne.

The place was different from the game, the difference being that the whole place was like an arena to watch battles to the death.

We all looked to each other and nodded.

I teleported away and did...a few adjustments to the place here and there.

Once that was done I blinked back inside and got into position.

I grabbed onto Brick and teleported us beside Sledge.

Mordecai would be the sniper up top in the rafters.

Bloodwing would sweep down and use her agility and maneuverability in the air to weeve all around the tight cinfindes if the place, constantly turning around corners here and there.

Roland would jump down and around the place until he reached our level, all while gunning down enemies.

Lilith would do her gig and PhaseWalk from place to place and cause explosions of fire thanks to her pyroportation.

When me and Brick rematerialis3d besides Sledge, he clearly heard the sound of my Dark Saber and reacted immediately.

He grabbed my right hand, which held my Dark Saber, and pulled me in to punch me in the face.

Damn! As expected of someone taht was supposed to be the end game boss in the Cut version of the game.

I knew it wouldn't be this easy, the Vault Hunters would repeatedly day how hard the fights they had were, which meant something.

And now I know why...

His dust closed in on me, but it had been stopped by Brick.

I could hear gunfire and can tell that the others had begun their part of the plan.

Sledge tried pulling against Brick but failed to as their strength were near equal, but Sledge was just a bit stronger than Brick.

Sledge headbutted me right in the face!

That hurt dammit!

My Konahriik mask wasn't broken, since it was made of dragon magic enchanted ebony, but it did press against my face.

And I can feel some blood and pain on my face!

The fucker broke my nose!

He used the hand that held mine, and threw me like a randomly across the room, I had went rolling.

Sledge: "Now you die, Bounty Hunter!"

He screamed at Brick as he looked at him after I had been dealt with.

Sledge had used the now free hand to punch Brick, but he grabbed and stopped the attack, Sledge countered the counter by kneeing Brick in the gut and using the now free hands to launch an uppercut on Brick.

Meanwhile, a Burning Pscho had tried jumping on me as I was still recovering.

He trued slashing my neck with the buzz axe but I held it back.

Just as I saw him about to breath fire on me, I redirected the buzz axe and shoved the sharp pointed pommel down his open mouth.

I kicked him off me as he had suffered a Lethal and vital blow.

He was gargling in his blood as I can see flames in his mouth building up.

I teleported to him and grabbed him, I looked over and saw Lilith having some trouble as she couldn't exit PhaseWalk since she was getting pressured by 3 Badass Raiders and 5 Raiders all shoitimg at her position.

She was no longer invisible as I can see the purple flow around her body.

She must not be able to maintain it, if she has many objects pass through her body while in PhaseWalk.

I will test this out with her later. It'd be interesting to learn how The Destroyer is sealed away in a Mortal body, since PhaseWalk is a counter to The Destroyer's original intangible and Immortal body.

I teleported over to her with the Burining Psycho in my grasp still, I then dropped him and looked to Lilith next to me before I winked and teleported away while saluting her.

She chuckled before the sound of an explosion erupted where I just was, and where she and all the Raiders are.

Naturally she was unaffected by the Burning Psycho's Explosive death.

I summoned Kaal as I jumped up into the air, Kaal appeared in a Blackish-Gold mist beneath me and I landed on the saddle.

Kaal sped through the hard of Psycho's that were hidden behind barricades, a benefit of a Phantom Horse is the they can traverse any terrain.

That also includes running along walls and ceilings and defying gravity by also running in the air at times.

Amny of Kaal's abilities are not available yet, but the ones he can use are minor but extremely useful.

Kaal ran up and jumped onto and off of walls and objects, in order to reach the Bandits hiding behind them.

The Ones I did not shoot with my Ace of Spades or cut down with the swing of my Dark Saber, he had ran and phased right through them.

What happened to them was to be expected.

They died in agonising pain as their souls were shredded apart.

The ones that had stronger souls, had been pushed aside, but they too had been killed by the sheer impact of a being as powerful as Kaal bashing his body into theirs.

The battle continues like this as Mirdecai would provide support to cover me and anyone else in need.

I had a good shield, so far I had been able to only tale three shots so far since the was constantly moving everywhere.

I saw Brick was getting quite tired from fighting Sledge, even when Brick was in his Berserker state, he wasn't able to match Sledge's raw power.

Brick was dealing some damage against Slege since the difference between the two was evident.

Sledge was physically strong, but didn't use his brain much in combat.

Whereas, Brick was quite strong physically, but used his brain to fight properly then like a brute such as Sledge.

Brick had delivered a right hook followed by a left uppercut. Sledge blocked the hook but not the uppercut, he countered by rearing his head back and launching it forward to Brick's head.

Brick had been hit and was dazed, having a metal helmet smashed him on the skull hard.

Sledge was going to deliver a front kick,but he had fallen to one knee.

He looked to his left leg and saw blood.

He was filled with Wrath as he looked at where the bullet came from, it was from me.

Sledge: "You made Sledge mad! Now Sledge kill you!"

He roared as got up, ignoring the bullet in his calf, and rushed towards me.

I fired bullet after bullte into him bit he didn't stop charging.

When he had gotten close enough!

He pulled out his signature Shotgun from his SDU (Storage Deck Unit) and fired.

I want fast enough to teleport away and my shield was destroyed with a single shot and I fell back.

Angel: "ROLL!"

I rolled to the side at the immediate warning I received.

When I looked back I saw that Skege had jumped where I was and smashed down where my head would have been, with his large spiked Hammer.

That was close!

I pulled out my Dark Saber and slashed at Sledge with an upwards slash from down below.

Sledge backstepped and poked me in the face with his Hammer, that alone had disorientated me!

I shook it off as I waved my Dark Saber I'm an arc to cut of Sledge's head, but he blocked it with his Hammer's handle.

It was rapidly glowing orange, Sledge didn't maintain the deadlock otherwise it would have been cut in two.

He sent out a left hook, I dodged beneath it as I slid the Dark Saber along his right wrist, making him drop the Hammer.

I stabbed his foot, as he roared in pain, I pulled the blade and brought it upwards in a reverse grip, slashing his left arm of completely.

I had thought the pain he would feel was enough to keep him from trying to counter attack me, I was wrong.

I had been hit in the back and I had thought my spine was going to break from that blow alone.

I fell to the floor on my front, when I turned over, I saw Sledge was standing over me and was going to crush my chest with his foot in one strike!

Sledge: "Now, Death come for you from Sledge!!!"


Sledge's foot missed me and ended up missing me as I leaned to the side to dodge.


I looked and saw Mordecai sniper barrel was smoking, he must have been the one to give the coveting fire now.

Bloodwing flew over and sent a Lethal claw strike to Sledge's throat...

But he wanst dead, only his shield had been weakened. Even more.

My Dark Saber can bypass any shield below Puple rarity in a single hit, the System had showed me this.

Roland came in firing with his Assault Rifle, having dealt with his enemies, only Sledge remained now.

Roland had dien considerable damage to Sledge's massive shield, mostly since Sledge was attacking and had no cover to hide behind.

Sledge took his Shotgun out again from his SDU and ried at an exposed Roland.

He smirked as he vannished in a bust of purple light.

Seconds later, Roland and Lilith were seen appearing behind some cover.

I took the chance and grabbed my Dark Saber and reignited it and stabbed at Sledge's thigh, causing him to fall to his knees again.

Just as he was about to brig his first down on me, he was kicked away from me and stumbled backwards.

Kaal had used his hind legs to kick Sledge away from me. I was suprised Sledge wasn't dead at having been kicked by a Phantom Horse in the chest and not die instantly.

A Phantom Horse had enough strength in its kicks to cause a Bus to go tumbling back on itself more than 20 metres.

Moments later, before Skege could reach me once again, he was tackled to the ground by Brick who was glowing with a bright red quarter around his body.

He roared like a beast as he punched Sledge over and over again, clearly taking advantage of his suprise attack.

Brick: "YOU *punch* STAY *punch* THE *punch* HELL *punch* AWAY *punch* FROM *punch* MY *punch* FRIENDS!!!"

*punch* *punch* *punch* *punch* *punch*

Brick had punched Sledge over and over that seems like it would go on for eternity if no one stopped him.

Eventually, I decided to see what would happen.

And so I picked up Sledge's Hammer, teleported above Brick, dropped the Hammer and teleported away.

Brick immediately caught the Hammer and stood up, he swirled the Hammer in the air around and smashed it into Sledge's now exposed, bloodied and disfigured face.

Raime: "..."

Roland: "..."

Lilith: "..."

Mordecai: "..."

We all were surprised at the reaction and display Brick had just displayed.

He was willing to go this far for his friends.

While we all were touched by this, the sight before us made it slightly harder to appreciate the reason for his actions.


Once Brick had calmed down from his bloodless rage mode thingy, we all had taken a moment to rest.

As for why we were resting in hostile territory?

That was thanks to what I did earlier, which you'll find our soon enough as we leave.


Rob Palace: Knight_Riku's bed

Knight_Riku: "Did this fucker just break the 4th wall!!!!"

Tet: "Wellllll..."

Knight_Riku: "GET OUT OF HERE!!!"


After we rested up, and takes slightly about everything, Lilith asked a good question.

Lilith: "What now?"

I stood up and cracked my my back. That hit from Sledge hurt like Hell!

I walked over to the chest beside Sledge's bone throne.

I kicked it with my foot and it opened up to reveal a buck ton of cash and...

As everyone agathered around, a certain someone gave the answer to Lilith question on my behalf.

Angel: "I bet you would like to know what that is. The Vault is real. What you are holding is the key that opens part of it, anyway."

I can tell that Angel desperately wanted to talk with me. But John was with her right now, I'll talk to her later, though I know why.


We all looked the place dry, I took every single body I cod get without alerting any body of my Storage Space Ability.

John/Jack is still watching through Angel's eyes.

It is irritating since if he learns about it, the so too will every corporation.

After my fight against Sledge, it was a serious wake up call for me.

Imagine how strong Wilhelm would be...


No wonder they the Vaukt Hunters got thrashed by him in New Haven.

I told Brick can have the Shotgun and Hammer, even though he wanted me to have it since I dealt the most damage to Sledge, he just finished him off.

He was ecstatic at the gift.

I'm seriously going to die from his Death Hugs!

As we left the structure we were in...


Mountains of bodies and rivers of blood was everywhere...

This was all my handy work.

I had positioned a myriad of turrets and traps everywhere, so taht when they came as reinforcements, they'd all get gunned to oblivion.

Moments later, the person I was going to keep as my slave had contacted us...

Steele: "This is Commander Stelle of the Atlas Corporation Crimson Lance, D Company, 3rd Starborne Brigade. I've just been informed that you have arrived on Pandora on search of the Vault, and within minutes, have started killing the locals and causing a disturbance. This planet is under the authority of the Atlas Corporation, and any Eridian Artifacts found here are Atlas property: possession of such property carries a stiff penalty. I invite you to turn yourself in at once to the nearest Lance outpost and surrender any information or artifacts."

Yep. I'm gonna make her my slave until I kill her. I'll have her Siren power forcibly transfer to a female host of my choosing.

Or I should get the Animus and brainwashed her into being my personal maid?

Lilith: "What a Bitch!"

Mordecai: "You can say that again..."

Raime: "How about we do something fun to get under her skin?"

Lilith: "What do you have in mind?

Roland: "Don't encourage him Lilith."

Brick: "I'M IN!!!!"

Roland: "*sigh*"

Raime: "This is what I propose..."