Chapter 32: The Sleepy Coyote

In the morning, the adventurers awoke they once checked the empty hamlet for any returning kobolds or other monsters looking to move in. But, Thaddeus knew that wouldn't be the case. Thanks to his agreement with the spider matriarch, he knew the spiders would keep the hamlet clear of monsters.

At first, he wanted to tell the adventurers about his new deal with the spiders, but he changed his mind when Alfred reminded him, that for most people, speaking with a dungeon master is seen as demonic.

When the coast was clear, the adventurers loaded up all their spoils into their spatial rings. Thaddeus loaded his into his bag of holding. When everything was packed, they set off up the ramp.

Yesterday they had sent their horses back to Woodhaerst which meant they had to walk the 20 miles back to the village. Thankfully the weather was cooperative. The late spring day was cool and sunny with not a cloud in the sky.

The adventurers that were cold and standoffish were acting as if they were his best friend. Money, especially an obscene amount can change a person's attitude.

As they walked past the dam lake to Woodhaerst, Thaddeus asked Alfred if he'd gotten any more messages from the emperor.

"Yes, sir. An imperial envoy has been dispatched to review your case. They will analyze your village and mine. They should be here in five days," he advised.

"What's the purpose of an inspection?" Thaddeus asked.

"Officially the purpose is to make sure the lords are managing their territory well and the people are treated fairly. Unofficially, the crown uses inspections to reassess a fiefdom's taxes and deliver unofficial communication to the lord," Alfred said.

"What could he want to tell me?" Thaddeus wondered.

"I do not know, sir," Alfred said.

"And why couldn't he pass it through you?" Thaddeus inquired.

"I can only intercept and send system messages. Sending me a message would mean sending a message to the entire kingdom.

"Oh, he doesn't want to send a message the other factions could intercept," Thaddeus said understanding. He also understood that all these new people would need a place to sleep.

"However, I suspect the faction will want to send their representatives to support the emperor's messenger," Alfred speculated.

"I agree. Things in our sleepy little village are interesting. There's just so much going on right now. I have to prepare for the 15 new residents that are arriving on June 1st. The dwarves are expected to arrive at the same time. Now you tell me a caravan of diplomats are heading in my direction.

I haven't even started building homes for the 15 new arrivals. When I get back, I'll start on the houses, and I'll flop with the builders. I'll let them finish the houses, while I'll work on the barn. The first harvest should come at the end of June, which gives us a little leeway to finish the barn. And I'll use my spells to finish the silo next to it.

Ok, that leaves, the inn and general store. Since Cassian won't move in until mid-July that gives me plenty of time to build the general store. Which means…

Hey Alfred, can you check how much it would cost to add a brewery to the inn?" Thaddeus asked.

"Let me check, sir," Alfred said. After a few minutes of silence he replied, "Yes, it will cost an additional 15 gold, which shouldn't be a problem for your growing piles of wealth. Also, would you like me to invest all the gold in your inventory?" Alfred asked.

"Go ahead and invest it. I plan on using it for the auction anyway," he said designing the inn.

Thaddeus designed the inn to have a stone cellar brewery. The two-story inn had the stone exterior as the houses, butchery, and bakery. However, the inn would be the tallest building in the village. With a tall impressive stone chimney. Unlike the bunkhouse which was a solid rectangle, inns in-game were L-shaped, and the bottom of the "L" was the stable.

"Very well. Do you have a name, or would you prefer the system randomly selected a name?" Alfred asked.

"No, I've thought about this for a while. Please name the inn The Sleepy Coyote. I think the name fits my sleepy village and it reminds me of the coyotes I first fought to settle the land," said Thaddeus with a chuckle.

"Where would you like to place the building?" Alfred inquired.

"Between the bunkhouse and Arthur and Margaret's house," Thaddeus instructed.

"Finished, sir," Alfred confirmed.

'At least that's one less problem to worry about. That just leaves houses, a barn, and a silo. Oh, I almost forgot, I'll need to move someone in the gristmill next month too,' Thaddeus thought.

When they were halfway to the village, they spot Hunter setting up jackrabbits traps. Next to him, Carl was tied up to a tree munching on grass. The adventuring party slowed down to greet him.

"I had a feeling you might be back today. I brought your horse Lord Brown," Hunter said, out of his normal shy characteristic.

"Thanks, Hunter. Tell me what you want?" Thaddeus said climbing up on the tall Clydesdale Carl.

"Well, I'd like permission to build a rabbit warren," she said gently scratching the back of his head.

"Permission granted. I look forward to purchasing your rabbits from Brand," Thaddeus said setting off with the adventurers to the village.

"You know you had the right, to claim the first harvest for free. And why are you purchasing from the butcher, when you can demand food for free?" asked an annoyed Andrea.

"I don't know, it seems like the right thing to do. Why would I steal money from people that don't have much in the first place," he replied.

"But you're losing money. Anyone can tell you're losing money, how can you run a village like that," Andrea asked.

"Honestly, I never planned to govern a village. I planned to live out here by myself. I was going to build a house and farm and just spend the rest of my days. But the world saw differently," Thaddeus explained.

"Have you built your house or farm?" Andre asked curiously.

"You saw the farm, I haven't got around to building my farmhouse yet. There's always something to do, that keeps me from building my own house," Thaddeus laughed at the irony.

"Let's try not to piss off our best-paying customer. Thaddeus let's be eternal friends," Kast said wrapping his arm around Thaddeus' shoulder and smiling broadly.

"Kast he already knows you're after his wealth," Raine said making everyone laugh.

"What's important is that we survived, finished the quest, and I'm sure everyone leveled at least once," Kara said smiling proudly.

"Wait you leveled," Ward asked disappointedly.

"Yes, I'm now Level 125, Foreman rank," Kara smiled unaware of Ward's sad face.

"Does that mean you're leaving our party?" Ward asked looking heartbroken.

"I planned to tell you later in Pine Grove City, but now is just as good. Yes, I'm leaving for the Mage Academy in Redwood. I plan to enroll in their Teacher Academy. You all knew my dream, and hopefully, I get accepted. When we get to Pine Grove City, you'll need to elect a new captain," Kara explained.

Brynn was the first congratulation to Kara. She clapped and wished her luck. Soon Andre, Raine, and Kast congratulated her too. The last to congratulate her was Ward.

"Well, what's left is to figure out if we should stay together or separate. If we decided to stay together, then we need to decide on a new party leader," Brynn said.

"Well, I've decided to leave too. I'm the newest to join, but I never really fit in did I? I've decided to stay here as Lord Brown's bodyguard," Kast said.

"Pfft, the only thing you'll protect is your pocket full of gold. I'm surprised someone as biased as you, would treat a halfling with such respect," Andrea sneered.

"…" Kast's eyes grew to the size of saucers.

"She's got you there," Kara laughed.

"Andrea is right. I do not need a bodyguard. But I do need a group of adventurers to train my 10 guards. Right now, my village is woefully unprotected. Would you consider helping me out some more before you leave?" Thaddeus asked.

"Yes, we accept!" Ward said excitedly. His dimmed eyes shone with hope.

"Fine, but you have a file a quest with the Adventurer's Guild in Pine Grove City, make sure to list our guild. Then we can accept it. But it has to end by June 15th. I need to be in the capital by July 1st," Kara said.

"Perfect," Thaddeus agreed. He just wanted them to stay until the imperial delegation arrived.

"Are there any monsters nearby you need to take care of in the meantime?" Ward asked adrenaline coursing through his vein.

"Let's see there's a wolf and cubs in the forest that way. And a goblin village that way. My preference is the goblin village, I need a full scout report," Thaddeus replied pointing the way to both.

"That won't be a problem for us. We can handle everything. Any special request?" Kara knew to ask her clients for more detail.

"There's a bear in the woods who's my friend. If you see him, please leave him alone. I'll buy the mother's pelt from you and bring me a puppy. As far as the goblins kill as many as you can," Thaddeus advised.

"It's a deal," Kara said shaking his hand.

Not long afterward Thaddeus saw the church's steeple in the distance. He could also see the barn's roof going up.

"Alfred, why does it feel like the builders are slow? Shouldn't they be farther along?" he wondered.

"Compared to Travelers, NPCs do not gain levels or SP as fast. Travelers are faster workers compared to locals by a 6:1 ratio," he explained.

"Oh, that makes sense," Thaddeus said. Straining his eyes, he could see the top of the inn in the distance. From this angle, he could only see the church's steeple behind it.

"Is there a new building in your village," Raine asked.

'Of course, his eagle eyes could detect it," Thaddeus thought.

"I see it too, is it an inn?" Andrea asked.

"Yes, an imperial diplomatic envoy will be here in two weeks," Thaddeus confessed.

"Ha-ha, is that why you wanted us to train your militia and stay here for just over two weeks?" Kara laughed.

"Play your cards right. You may catch the envoy's eye," Brynn advised.

Hearing that Kara's eyes burned with purpose. Don't worry, I'll make sure to train your guards correctly, even if it kills them," said a motivated Kara.

"Fine but try not to kill them. I only have 10," Thaddeus sighed, feeling bad for his guards.

"Kara you and Raine focus on training the guards. The rest of us will take care of the beasts and monsters," Ward said.

"Smart thinking, but if you need our help with the goblins don't hesitate to ask," Kara said happily.

When they returned to the village it was mid-day. The villagers were busy with their work. But when they saw Thaddeus riding into town, they stopped what they were doing to hear how the excursion went.

"Villagers, we have conquered the Ironwood Mine and added a second hamlet under my rule," Thaddeus announced, sounding like he did when he roleplayed as his old Dungeons and Dragons character. It was his favorite game when his parents were alive.

Hearing his announcement, the villagers cheered and applauded him. Hearing the news, Thaddeus quickly retold events that took place. The villagers were in awe. They were held captivated by each sentence. When he regaled them with the final battle scene, they applauded even more. He chose to leave out the obscene amount of wealth down there to discourage mining until the dwarves arrived.

After he was done, he hopped off Carl and grabbed him by the reins, and led him to the knee inn. The villagers and adventurers followed behind him. When he arrived, he stabled Carl and led everyone inside.

The inside of the inn was large and dark. He opened the windows to see and saw there were two large circle candle chandeliers. After lowering them down and lighting the 32 candles they got a clear picture.

The first floor had an innkeeper counter that also doubled as a bar. There were eight picnic table benches and a large fireplace in the rear. Behind the counter were eight empty large barrels that he assumed would be filled with beer from the brewery below. Nearby the barrels a rack of 16 keys was nailed to a support beam. He presumed led to 16 rooms upstairs. There was even a private room with a curtain cover. Overall, the inn was impressive, but it lacked a homey feel.

Unlike the inns he visited, there was no fare. There were no animal skin rugs and animal heads mounted to the walls, no shields and weapons hung on the walls, and no pictures or maps displayed either. It was barren.

"Hey where's the whiskey and beer," Kast shouted disappointedly.

"Listen up, I believe build this to make a tavern for the village. Rather I built this for some imperial diplomats arriving in two weeks. The emperor sent an envoy to inspect the town and mine. However, I'm sure he'll bring soldiers and other guests will arrive along with him.

Also coming are 15 new villagers to Woodhaerst and a clan of dwarves who will be living in the Ironwood mine. That means we need to prepare for everyone's arrival. Thankfully the Bright Guards have agreed to stay with us until their arrival. Are there any questions?" Thaddeus asked.

"Where are they going to stay?" Marcus asked.

"I'm going to build them houses off the highway. I'll be building your houses behind the saw and gristmills. I'll build the foundation and exterior walls. The builders will be responsible for building the interior walls," Thaddeus said.

"We can't build the barn and 45 houses!" said a builder.

"That's why you'll be focusing solely on the houses," Thaddeus explained.

"Who is going to run the inn?" asked Brand.

"I'm looking for an innkeeper now," he lied. He sent a message to Alfred to find an innkeeper.

"I'll do my best, sir," Alfred said.

"Oh, and auction off the mana crystals one at a time," Thaddeus said

"Excellent choice, sir," Alfred said

"Any more questions," Thaddeus asked the crowd. Hearing none. He said okay let's get to work!"