Chapter 40: Inspection

The next morning, he walked to the sawmill kiln and grabbed more stubs and panels. Then walked to his house to start framing the second floor. His goal was to frame out the house by the end of the week and then start on the exterior walls and porch.

When he arrived at his house Hephaestus was there waiting on him. He wore gloves and had a handkerchief around his neck.

"The villager said you woke early, I can see they weren't lying," Hephaestus laughed.

"Did you come here to laugh or to work?" Thaddeus said handing his second-best set of tools.

"No need, what crafter doesn't travel with his own set of tools? And you can call me Huey when no one else is around," he said following Thaddeus up the ladder.

"Then call me Thad," he said shaking his hand.

The two men worked together, speaking briefly as they framed the second-story walls and built the staircase to the second floor. They finished the second floor by lunchtime. To thank Huey, Thaddeus treated him to a roast rabbit, goat cheese sandwich, and a tankard of ale from the inn.

"You save me a lot of time today," Thaddeus said as they sat on the second floor with the sun high above their heads.

"Thad, this is going to be a nice house, with a nice river view. Unique too, I bet there won't be another house like this in the whole game," Huey complimented.

Thank you for the compliment. What did your leader say about my membership in the coalition?" he asked.

"You own 1% of Black Rock's shares in the Coalition, but own zero percent of the Coalition's share. Which means you're a minority owner of the Golden King in the Dawn Kingdom. While they are our allies, it's the same as being in our guild. Unfortunately for you, the guild leader's offer remains. You have one day left to decide if we're allies or enemies," Huey said climbing down the ladder to leave.

"Wait—if I was to join your guild what changes would you make to my villages?" asked curiously.

"We'd install a Chase Bank, Vulcan trading company, and a teleportation pad. Only guild members can use the teleportation pad and you'd be able to set the exit fare. And consider this, if you're ever attacked you can have an army arrive instantaneously," he explained.

"And how much control will the guild have about future additions or deletions to my villages?" Thaddeus asked cautiously.

"I meet weekly with the guild leader, in the future, they're maybe building we want to add for consistency. I also meet weekly with my V.P.s, which means you'll get advanced notice and I'll solicit your opinions before my Executive Meeting report. Whether your opinions are in the majority or minority you're expected to go along with the final vote," he explained.

"Is there any wiggle room," Thaddeus asked.

"A little," Huey replied. "Also, the Earl and I decided last night, that we'd like to leave at 2 PM to inspect the mine. Don't be late," he joked walking away.

At 2 PM, Thaddeus sat inside a carriage outside the inn. Outside the window, he could see his villagers smiling and giggling at him stuffed inside like a bear in a cage.

The Earl tapped the roof and the carriage set off for the mine.

"Have you thought about our offers Baron von Brown?" Earl von Calvin hinted.

"Oh, is that what he's offered you, a title? Although, I admit Baron von Brown has a nice ring to it. But at the same time, the imperial Faction has decreased, to only offer land and titles," Huey laughed.

"If you damnable Travelers weren't spreading lies about the emperor usurping the throne from his deceased older brother. All your fabricated fables about the one true imperial king have misled the public angrily," the Earl said.

"Ha-ha, how can it be a lie? Our guild master has already left to rescue the king's brother from Exile Island Fortress, which you and the emperor think we don't know about. You've done a good job hiding his location, but you couldn't hide it forever. Not only will we release the rightful emperor, but every political prisoner of the false emperor jailed. What excuse will you give when the truth comes to light?" Huey asked.

"All lies! No matter what fictitious man you claim as the emperor's brother. There's still a matter of proof. And do you think the emperor would allow an insurrection? We have wizards strong enough to crush your Rebel faction," Earl von Calvin sneered angrily.

"And those wizards have sworn neutrality in matters between the imperial family. All we have to do is bring the emperor's brother into the palace. If the wizards remain neutral, that's inevitable proof that man is the emperor's brother. And when that happens the empire will learn the truth. Then the usurper will be put to death " Huey said smiling.

"Does the emperor not have any family other than his wives and children?" Thaddeus asked.

"None. He killed them all. He only imprisoned the emperor to watch his decline. He's a sadistic bastard!" Huey said.

For the first time, Thaddeus watched as the Earl realized there was theoretically a sliver of a possibility the emperor might lose. Then he resolved himself and said, "Rubbish. Lord Brown does not believe his lies!"

"Lord Brown when the rightful emperor is reinstated, our guild leader will be appointed Imperial Chancellor and Mayor of Redwood. Then the Mythical Guild will be the new nobility and govern the empire. All the settlement lords will be entitled," Huey said cheerfully.

"Once the empire secures access to your gem mine, we'll have the mana crystals we need to annihilate the rebels and regain stability!" Earl von Calvin explained.

The two men continued back a forth until the carriage reached the mines. The ramp leading up to the cave was too steep for the horses to pull the carriage. Instead, they had to walk in on foot. However, the incline was too much for the noble and he had to be carried on horseback.

When they reached the cave, a Dwarven guard greeted them with heavy shields, axes, and armor. They had broad smiles and bright eyes and shouted, "Hail, Great Lord Brown, and guests!"

Walking shoulder to shoulder they just were just able to march without running into the walls. As they marched down to the cavern below, they passed dwarfs mining on all three floors. Each floor had its supervisor not nearly as menacing as the Kobold enforcers.

Thaddeus also saw the dwarves repairing the rails and rail carts. None looked full, but there was plenty of ore and copper.

"Silver, there's silver in there!" Earl von Calvin shouted excitedly.

"If this excites just wait until you reach the village," Thaddeus advised.

"Congratulations Lord Brown, I have never seen such a prosperous mine. I'm afraid it only reinforces our decision to control this mine," Huey said sadly.

"Oh, yes, I'm sure the emperor will also greatly desire this wealth. He may even promote you and give the Brown Family estate in the capital!" Earl von Calvin bargained.

"I'll agree to the same offer under the new emperor on top of what I've already promised," Huey said nonchalantly.

The two men continued to negotiate back and forth, despite Thaddeus not saying a word. But he was sure Huey argued with him just for amusement.

But when they reached the village, they stood rooted speechless as they took in the ceiling. They reminded him how he felt the first time he walked into.

"Lord Brown, I apologize for not meeting you out front earlier, there's just so much to do," Vakdraen Ironwood said sounding exhausted.

"How are the villagers? Was everyone able to move in safely?" Thaddeus asked.

"Oh yes, there is plenty of houses, many more than we need at the moment. Thank you for allowing us to return to our ancestral home. Our parents and grandparents told us stories. To think we'd be able to return, it's a dream come true," Vakdraen said happily.

"Well, I'm happy for you and your clan. Is there anything you need me to build or upgrade?" Thaddeus asked.

"Lord, we dwarves are natural builders and craftsmen. We prefer to build, fix, and upgrade buildings on our own. However, we were not able to explore the entire city further below. We think our ancestors' knowledge and birthrights are locked in a vault down below. However, the rock bridge across is broken. Our best Earth-mages are unable to get fix the bridge unless we're able to make it to the other side. That is the only thing we need help with," Vakdraen replied.

"Alfred, can we repair the bridge?" Thaddeus asked.

"No, sir, the bridge is too destroyed. But they are considered common buildings. You may replace the bridge with a common building rearward," Alfred replied.

"Okay, do it," Thaddeus said.

"Sir, there are currently four destroyed bridges. Please select the location you wish to build a new bridge," Alfred asked.

"Vakdraen, can you show me the bridge you want to be replaced?" Thaddeus asked.

"Please follow me, Lord," he said leading them down a stairwell, he didn't remember seeing when he explored the city.

The handrail-less stairwell had a steep decline with deep ravines on either side. To judge the distance to the bottom Huey dropped a rock, after waiting10-minutes the still had yet to hear it hit the bottom.

The poor Earl was scared so badly on the journey he demanded the Royal Knight tie a rope around him, in case he fell.

Despite the perilous journey, Vakdraen and the dwarves seemed to manage the stairs and the descent easily. Their small statue and low center of gravity made it effortless to walk or jog up or down the steps.

By the time they made it to the bridge, they had walked over 200 steps. Throwing sloping terrain. Thaddeus didn't know where he was, but he felt he was in the bowels of the Khazad-dûm.

When they arrived at the bottom, Thaddeus replaced the rock bridge with a new one. Everyone watched as a new bridge magical construction itself. However, the bridge that appeared was thin in the middle. Although it appeared stable it looked to thin traverse.

"Aye, this is perfect. Thank you, Lord Brown, you are a true friend," Vakdraen said graciously.

"Can you upgrade the bridge…with a barrier?" Huey asked.

"Alfred, how much is it to upgrade the bridge?" Thaddeus asked

"To upgrade the bridge would cost 2,000 MP and 250 gold," Alfred explained.

"Okay do it," Thaddeus confirmed. At the same time, he also directed Alfred to use the other building scrolls for Molly's Weaver Shop and Cassian's General Store.

The mana draw was so abrupt Thaddeus felt woozy. He clenched Vakdraen's shoulder to stay upright. Soon he saw the bridge thicken in the middle a chain of Guard rains along the sides.

"Let's go open the vault," Earl von Calvin said with wide eyes full of greed.

"Lords, I caution you from entering unexplored areas," Vakdraen warned.

"I'm not going down there!" Thaddeus said.

"Why not?" Huey asks, his face filled with excitement.

"Because Vakdraen just said it was a field with personal heirlooms. I have no desire to impede on my villager's heritage. Vakdraen and I have a mining contract. Items outside that contract are his concerns alone. Moreover, you both came to inspect the mine, and threaten me not my villagers," Thaddeus said.

Relationship Update: Vakdraen Ironwood

Your enthusiastic defense of Dwarven culture has increased Vakdraen's favorability from friendly to trusted.

+50 Favorably to Ironwood Dwarf Clan.

Thaddeus was pleasantly surprised to see that Vakdraen trusted him.

"They're just your demi-humans why do you take them so seriously? As soon as that vault is open, I want to see the inventory. If there are any legendary or mythical weapons, you need to report to the empire as soon as possible," Earl von Calvin said disgruntled.

"Just this once, I'll agree to back off. But remember this is just a game, a source of entertainment. I've seen people get too deep into role-playing. The players I brought with them would give their right arm to an adventurer to open a millennia-old vault. Go—" Huey explained.

"Why are you sending them across the bridge?" Vakdraen asked angrily.

"The deal was to not open the doors. He didn't say anything about exploring?" Huey explained.

"You soldiers go as well. Don't let those Travelers out of your sight," Lord von Calvin commanded.

"Then I'll take my leave first," Thaddeus said walking up the stairs back to Ironwood Village.

He explored the city, greeted citizens, and visited the shops. Many of the dwarves were in the process of moving in and cleaning the centuries of dust from their homes and shops. It had the look and feel of a bustling village.

He eventually found his way to a large smithy, with four forges. Two blacksmiths were hammering away making weapons.

"Lord Brown, how can I help you?" asked the oldest dwarf.

"I'd like to request a new axe, I'm willing to pay for it by helping you with your orders," Thaddeus said.

"Dwarven and humans smith have different standards. But I suppose we should test you out first. Okay, here's the list of what people have requested," the old dwarf said handing Thaddeus a long list.

"I'll forge the tools," Thaddeus said throwing iron ingots into the fire.

The old dwarf sat down in the forge next to Thaddeus they worked side by side not without speaking.

With a clear mind, Thaddeus worked for hours until Vakdraen, the Earl, and Huey arrived. By that time, he was covered in sweat and looked more like a laborer than a petty nobleman. Earl von Calvin took a handkerchief to cover his nose to block Thaddeus' order.

Looking up from his forge, Thaddeus asked nonchalantly "Did you find the vault?"

"No, all we found was an Ironwood forest and a ruined bridge leading further down the mine. Although this bridge is much shorter, which should be able to reconstruct ourselves," Vakdraen.

"Lord Calvin, have you finished your inspection, or do you wish to explore further?" Thaddeus asked.

"No, I believe I have enough for my report. I'm sure the emperor will find my report quite thrilling," he said with a greedy sneer.

"Then let us depart. Vakdraen, you have been a wonderful host. Please remember the first shipment of ore and crystal must depart on the first of next month. I'll the porters to the mine to transport the goods. Fare well," Thaddeus said standing up and dusting off his clothes.

Not long after Thaddeus, Huey, Earl von Calvin, and their soldiers rode back to Woodhaerst.