Chapter 10: Bathhouse and Apiary

After getting off work, he grabbed a quick dinner and logged into the game. Walking outside, he noticed it was late in the morning. The villagers were already busy with their chores. As he greeted his villagers, he could see more finished houses. The builders had done an excellent job. Soon each family would have their own home.

"Look who finally reappeared. It's our illustrious lord," Thera joked with a warm smile.

"How was the auction, milord," Jameson asked curiously.

"It's good to see you, Lord Brown," Brand said

"Where's Arthur?" Thaddeus asked.

"He's on the farm. Arthur's been orienting the new farmers. Expanding the farm and adding new workers is a lot to handle. Thankfully, he finished sowing the new crops yesterday," Brand explained.

"Good. All of you have done an excellent job taking care of the village," Thaddeus praised.

"Now stop dawdling, it's rude to leave us in suspense?" Thera chastised him.

"I won an apiary and bathhouse building scrolls!" Thaddeus said, deciding to keep the Nature Soul Bead a secret for now.

"That's terrific, I swear that Travis gouges us on the price of candles. Ten coppers a candle is outrageous. A little competition will help to drop him down a peg or too," Jameson said frustratedly.

"Where will you build the shops? Buildings already line the main road?" Brand asked.

"Tear down the bunkhouse. It's ugly, and the porters have all moved out," Thera suggested.

"Tear it down?" Thaddeus said in surprise.

"I was hoping to speak to you about this in private, sir. Several of the villagers…think the bunkhouse is an eyesore. Now that we have an inn, there's no need for a bunkhouse in the village. Why not tear it down and build the apiary and bathhouse in its place," Brand advised.

'Alfred, I know I can move buildings. What happens if I destroy buildings?' Thaddeus asked.

"Destroying a building turns it into rubble. You can recycle the rubble for future building projects,"

"I'm fine with destroying the bunkhouse. I'll recycle wood for carpentry and the rocks to finish the walls," Thaddeus announced.

"Priestess Thera already finished the walls, sir," Jameson said pointing to the finished eastern wall in the distance.

Thaddeus looked at Thera in stunned astonishment.

"You were working so hard, I just cast a little spell to finish the job," Thera said humbly.

"I can't believe you finished the wall?" he said in surprise.

"Well, don't be too surprised!" she blustered. "You're not the only terramancer in this village. Watching you struggle day in, and day out made me pity you," Thera said passive-aggressively.

At the same time, she casually destroyed the bunkhouse and organized the recycled debris into neat piles.

Thaddeus and the Village Council looked at Thera's magic in astonishment.

"Well, what are you waiting for an introduction? Hurry up and place the new buildings. The women in this village are tired of washing themselves in the river. The poor young women must hide just to escape their suitors' prying eyes as they bathe," Thera lectured.

Not waiting any longer, Thaddeus opened the scrolls and placed the apiary and bathhouse where the bunkhouse used to stand.

"Brand, find someone who can work the apiary, and bathhouse," Thaddeus said as he led them into the bathhouse.

The entrance to the bathhouse was marked by a wooden gate and a stone pathway that led into the building. Inside was a large communal area with tables and chairs where patrons can relax and socialize before and after their baths. Wooden panels walls and sliding screens created a warm and intimate atmosphere.

Past the cashier area, were two segregated large rooms for men and women. Past the sliding screen was a large changing room with small chairs, showers, and soap where customers could clean themselves before soaking in a large, heated, in-ground pool. The pool was shallow, and benches lined the sides of the pool.

Thaddeus could see that Brand and Jameson's eyes were wide with excitement. Thera on the other hand nodded in satisfaction.

"Truly, this is a place of relaxation where people can escape the stresses of daily life," Jameson said in amazement.

"Come let us announce this to villagers. Surely, they'll appreciate our lord's benevolence," Brand said, bowing, before leaving with Jameson and Thera.

After they left, Thaddeus went to find Arthur, who he found by chickens instructing the newest farmhands.

Arthur brushed the sweat off his forehead using the worn blue handkerchief. Supervising the new poultry workers was a laborious task since they had to take care of hundreds of new chicks. Chirping sounds filled the air as the chicks pecked the ground, eating soil, worms, and insects.

"Alfred, how much does the village spend feeding the livestock?"

"Sir, the village spends 80 coppers a day feeding livestock, with the projected growth of chickens and pigs; and taking into account Demeter's blessing, you can expect that amount to double every four months."

"Is there a way to lower cost?"

"Sir, chickens, and pigs are omnivores. I suggest planting alfalfa. The plant attracts many types of insects chickens enjoy eating including grasshoppers, leafhoppers, and beetles. Also, alfalfa is a plant that is commonly used as animal feed due to its high nutritional content. Alfalfa is rich in protein, minerals, and vitamins, making it a popular choice for feeding animals like cows, horses, and sheep. It is often fed as hay."

"Thanks, Alfred."

Thaddeus walked up to Arthur and listened as the spoke to the new hires. He could tell the new settlers found the instruction helpful. When he finished teaching, he turned to Thaddeus and introduced the two new people who would be responsible for the poultry farm. After introductions, the new farmhands bowed and returned to work.

"Lord Brown, I apologize for not greeting you earlier. Your new employees have settled in nicely. Today, I came to check on them. I'm happy to report, they've done well so far."

"That's wonderful news. It seems the poultry farm's doing well. Good job. I came to see you after speaking with Brand, Jameson, and Thera. I won two building scrolls at the auction, and they recommended I tear down the bunkhouse and build the apiary and bathhouse there."

"Ah, good. I'm sure they told you that several people thought that building was an eyesore. But, with two new buildings in its place, I'm sure the villagers will be happy. It's good to see the village add more shops. That apiary and bathhouse will be a fine addition to the town."

"I'm glad to hear you agree. Listen, I want to talk to you about the cost of feed. I just checked the settlement budget and noticed it cost 80 coppers to feed the chickens, pigs, and horses. Do you have any suggestions?"

"Well sir, we purchase a middle grade of feed from the Trading Post. I could decrease the grade of feed, but that will affect the livestock's health," Arthur suggested.

"What do you think about planting alfalfa in the poultry farm?" Thaddeus asked.

"That's a wonderful idea, milord. I should have thought about that sooner. Alfalfa will indeed attract insects, even grasshoppers the chickens like most. Those will pests became prey for the hundreds of chickens and save us money on purchasing feed. We can also harvest it and use it as hay to feed the horses and add it to the pigs' slop!

In addition to its use as animal feed, alfalfa is also used in the production of herbal supplements and medicines. The leaves and seeds of the plant are used to make herbal remedies that are believed to have a range of health benefits, such as reducing inflammation and improving digestion. Lord Brown, I must admit you are wise beyond your years," Arthur said excitedly.

"Good, I'm glad to hear. I look forward to seeing the poultry farm filled with alfalfa. How are the goats and sheep?"

"They are well sir. Taking care of goats and sheep is an easy task They are brought out in the morning to graze and brought in at night. Are you planning on buying more sir?"

"Yes. You should expect them to arrive when Cassian returns next month."

As Thaddeus and Arthur walked back to the highway, Thaddeus thought about the apiary he had just acquired at the auction. He turned to Arthur and asked, "Do you know of anyone in the village who would be a good fit for managing the apiary?"

Arthur thought for a moment before replying, "I think I know just the person. There's a young woman named Maya who has a lot of experience with bees. She used to keep a few hives in her backyard before she moved to the village. I think she would be a great fit for managing the apiary."

Thaddeus nodded, "That sounds like a good choice. Could you arrange a meeting between us and Maya so we can discuss the details?"

"Of course, sir. I'll send a messenger to her and let her know to meet us in the village center tomorrow," Arthur replied.

Thaddeus thanked Arthur for his help, and they continued walking, discussing plans for the farm and the village. As they parted ways, Thaddeus felt confident that Maya would be the right person to manage the apiary and help the village continue to grow and thrive.

Back on the main road, Thaddeus walked in the direction looking for Cole his foreman. He appointed Cole foreman after observing his leadership skills. The man was an apprentice stone mason and was the only other person in the village to have the architecture skill other than Thaddeus.

As Thaddeus walked, he thought about the various building projects he wanted to undertake in the village. The village was just in its infantry, and he knew that there was still much work to be done. He hoped that Cole would have some good ideas to help him move forward.

He soon spotted Cole working on a new building project, overseeing a group of workers as they constructed a new house. As Thaddeus approached, Cole noticed him and walked over to greet him.

"Good to see you, Lord Brown. What brings you here?"

"I wanted to check in with you and see how the construction projects are going."

"We're making good progress. The new houses are coming along nicely, and we're starting work on the last houses in the grid. I've been thinking about some other projects we could undertake, like a few warehouses or maybe even a boathouse," he suggested.

Thaddeus nodded, impressed by Cole's enthusiasm. "Those are great ideas. I've actually acquired an apiary and bathhouse at the auction, they've replaced the bunkhouse."

"Excellent news. I'm sure the villagers will be thrilled to have new amenities. Do you have new orders for us, sir?"

"No. Hopefully, building this extra housing will help us be prepared for the next arrivals. I think we'll be all right, but I appreciate the offer. I actually wanted to talk to you about something else. I'm looking for someone to manage the bathhouse, and I was wondering if you knew of anyone who would be a good fit."

Cole thought for a moment before replying, "I don't know anyone off the top of my head, but I can ask around and see if anyone has experience."

"That's understandable. If you hear of anyone who might be interested, let me know."

"Will do, sir. I'll put the word out and see what I can find. In the meantime, we'll keep working on these new houses and the warehouse."

"Sounds good. Keep up the great work, Cole. I'll see you later," Thaddeus said before heading back to his carpentry workshop to complete orders.

As he walked, Thaddeus thought about the challenges of building and managing a village. There were always new projects to undertake, new problems to solve, and new people to meet. But he felt confident that he had the skills and the support of the villagers to make the village a success.