Chapter 3: The Bear Necessities of Life

When Thaddeus stepped out of his manor, the snow was ankle-deep and accumulating quickly. The wind whipped his face causing his tan skill to have a rosy hue. Fighting the snow and wind, he persevered to reach his cabin. The place where he agreed to meet Dhruvah. Beneath his feet, he heard the snow crunching. Wrapping his fur coat tighter around himself he made his way out of the town to his druid grove.

When he reached the grove, he was surprised to find it clear of snow. The air insight was light and warm. More surprising was that the river next to the grove was not frozen over. If not for walking through the deep snow, he would have thought it was spring. He wondered if the nurturing soul bead or Dhruvah was responsible for this environment.

Unbuttoning his coat, he walked to the cabin he built months ago. This cabin was his oasis. He built this cabin for his homestead and Sabrina. But life doesn't always go as planned. Instead of living in this cabin, he now lived in a large manor. The cabin served more as his vacation home than a residence.

The cabin sat in a picturesque grove, surrounded by wildlife and rare alchemical herbs. For a woodsman like Thaddeus, this was a most relaxing atmosphere. Using his skill, Surveyor, he could also feel his druid powers spread out and attune with the grove. He could feel everything happening inside. He could see the frog croaking on the riverbank, or a bird bringing home a piece of grass for its nest.

"I am happy to see you again, cub," Dhruvah said raising himself on two legs.

Thaddeus looked at the towering brown bear, looking down on him. He could tell Dhruvah was happy to see him.

"I apologize for the delay. Unexpected circumstances kept preventing me from coming."

"Lords do not apologize, and Bearkin even less. Fret not, young cub all that matters is that you came. Bearkin do not hibernate."

"Beside Polymorph, can you train me in the ways of the druid?"

""I cannot. But I can guide you in being a bear and share the lore of the Bearkin. I also have a friend who can train you in the ways of Bearkin Warrior, if that suits you?" Dhruvah offered.

"It does. Thank you, elder."

"Then let's get started. Come and touch my hide," Dhruvah instructed.

Thaddeus walked up and touched Dhruvah's fur. At once he received a message.

System Message:

Warning! Druids can only imprint with an animal once. Confirm imprint with a Giant Brown Bear? (Y/N.)

When Thaddeus selected 'Yes,' he became wracked with searing pain. He doubled over as his body underwent a jarring transformation. His flesh ripped and bones popped as he doubled in size. Naked, his body started sprouting fur covering him entirely. Thaddeus yelled as his jaw unlocked and his teeth sharpened.

Then a primal energy surged through him, causing his body to tense and his fur to bristle. Lifting his head skyward, he unleashed a growl that felt deeper and more territorial than before.

The transition was agonizing, yet profoundly liberating. Every fiber of his being vibrated with a newfound energy that seemed to connect him to the earth, the wind, the sky—every aspect of nature itself. The pain was almost instantly forgotten as a new set of instincts flooded into his consciousness. Patting his snot, ears, and tail, he galloped to the river to stare at this reflection.

Looking at himself, his human body was replaced with a big grizzly's. The first thing he noticed was the sheer size he now possessed. Where he had once stood at an average height for a man, he now towered, his new form easily twice as large. His limbs were thick and robust, muscles rippling underneath a rich coat of fur.

The fur itself was a lush tapestry of colors: most of it was a deep brown, almost the hue of rich soil, but it lightened in places to a softer, almost honeyed color. Darker streaks ran down his back and limbs, lending him an imposing appearance. It was thick and luxuriant, promising warmth in the coldest of winters and protection against the harshness of combat.

His paws were massive, each easily the size of a dinner plate, with razor-sharp claws that gleamed menacingly even in the muted light of the grove. He flexed them experimentally, feeling the earth give way effortlessly beneath their strength. He knew instinctively that these claws could tear through armor and rend flesh with devastating efficiency.

Thaddeus' head had transformed as well, his facial features elongating into a bear's snout. His eyes were perhaps the most unchanged, still the same shade of human blue, but now they seemed to gleam with an inner light, as though reflecting the newfound wisdom and power he had gained from the transformation. His teeth had become sharp, formidable canines that promised destructive power.

Moreover, his senses were enhanced. His vision was more vivid, the world taking on a sharper focus. Sounds that were previously indistinct—leaves rustling in the wind, distant water flowing—were now as clear as a bell. He could smell, smells he never smelled before, and from farther distances away. The same went for his hearing. He could hear birds' wings flapping and rabbits burrowing in their warren.

Dhruvah looked at him, his eyes filled with what could only be described as paternal pride. "You have done well, young cub. Now you are truly one of the noble Bearkin. Your new form will offer you not just strength and resilience, but a deeper connection to the earth.

Thaddeus, now in his bear form, nodded. Communicating felt different; words were less necessary. Emotions and intentions flowed more easily, almost as if the boundaries that language imposed were lifted.

Dhruvah continued, "Truly you have a mighty form. Now I will teach you what it means to be a bear. As bears, we are predators perfectly adapted to any environment whether it's a forest or the battlefield.

A sense of purpose and excitement flooded through Thaddeus. As he looked at his new fur-covered arms and legs, he felt a strange mix of awe and familiarity. This form, this essence, had always been a part of him, just waiting to be unlocked. Now that it was, he couldn't wait to explore the limits of what he could do.

Thaddeus felt a jolt of energy as the system messages flashed before him. His Polymorph Skill advanced to Level 2.

With a nod of acknowledgment, he turned back to Dhruvah. "Elder, I'm ready."

"I know shapeshifting was painful, but it'll only hurt the first time. Rest now, I'll teach you to hunt after you recover," the rich timber of Dhruvah's voice carried a note of finality, but also an unmistakable warmth. "Rest is as much a part of life as fighting and hunting. Even as a bear, you'll need to learn the balance."

Thaddeus, still reveling in the myriad sensations of his new form—every rustle in the leaves, every whisper of wind against fur—nodded in agreement his eyelids already heavy with exhaustion.

But it was a good kind of tiredness, the kind one feels after accomplishing something monumental. At this moment, Thaddeus knew that he had crossed a pivotal threshold in his journey. With the newfound power and connection to nature, he felt more complete and more attuned to the energies of the world around him. Even his virtual reality surroundings felt more 'real' than they ever had before.

As he ambled towards a cozy spot near the center of the grove, one rich in the scent of earth and nearby herbs, Dhruvah watched him with approving eyes. "Go on, young cub. Rest now. When you wake, the real work begins."

Thaddeus found a comfortable position on the soft ground, his fur a natural cushion against the earth. As he closed his eyes, he felt the gentle touch of the grove's energy swirling around him, like a lullaby sung by the earth itself. Within moments, he drifted into a deep, restorative sleep.

Hours later, Thaddeus awoke, he felt invigorated, as if the grove itself had infused him with its natural vitality. Dhruvah was sitting a short distance away, his large frame relaxed but alert.

"Awake, young cub? Good. Your rest has made you stronger. For your first lesson, I teach you how to hunt. By now you realize your senses are sharper than when you were a human. No doubt you already smell various scents. You'll soon learn each animal's distinct odor. More often than naught, males and females of the same species also have an alternate scent. Alright, follow me to a well-known deer clearing," Dhruvah instructed.

Thaddeus followed behind the larger brown bear, like a child following his father. A short walk later, they arrived at a clearing outside the grove. The forest which burned down months ago, had magically recovered. Surround by tall trees, fifty does and fawns ate peacefully. Standing in the middle bevy, stood a tall, majestic stag. Walking into their territory, Thaddeus could tell they were unbothered about seeing the two giant brown bears.

"Hail, Dhruvah. What brings you to my territory?" asked the stag in a stout voice.

"Elwood, this cub is the nearby Town Lord. I am training him in the ways of the bear. I am teaching him how to distinguish between male and female deer. Thaddeus, Elwood is one of the six Forest Kings," Dhruvah explained.

"Well met, human lord. We, the forest animals, respect Druids most among humankind. While I allow Dhruvah, to occasionally hunt my kin, overhunting may lead to war. As a druid, I allow you to freely trespass upon my territory. Now for your lesson, you can tell the difference between our sexes by our urine," Elwood explained.

Thaddeus bowed his head to Elwood, before sniffing the air. With good accuracy, he tied each doe and fawn to a specific scent.

"Have you finished your assignment?" Dhruvah inquired.

"Yes, elder."

"Good, then follow me."

Thaddeus followed Dhruvah. Along the way, the elder taught him what berries and nuts were okay to eat. He also taught him the different properties of shrubs and their medicinal qualities. Thaddeus knew bears were omnivores. Eating whatever food was easily available. Still, he never expected to pick up a new skill from Dhruvah's lessons.

System Message:

New Active Skill: Herbalism. At higher levels can identify plants and herbs at a glance.

Stat Increase: +1 to INT, +100 EXP

Level 1: Novice Level 1

Effect: Knowledge about plants, shrubs, and herbs.

Cost: 10 INT/second

Dhruvah stopped 25 yards away from the frozen riverbank. An injured deer stood there drinking water from a hole in the ice.

"See that buck, tell me is it male or female?" Dhruvah quizzed.

"Male," Thaddeus replied confidently.

"Good job. Remember when it comes to hunting what matters most is agility and constitution. I've seen deer kill wolves hundreds of times. And I've been attacked by hundreds of wolves and killed them all because they're physically weak. Bears naturally are the strongest and have the greatest constitution. As you grow, your vitality, strength, and constitution naturally grow as well. That means, what you need to focus on is your agility. Look at your stats, and you'll see what I mean," he coached.

Thaddeus looked at his stats and what he saw surprised him.

Name: Thaddeus Brown

Race: Giant Brown Bear

Class: Locked

Level: 58 (37,861/38,546)

HP: 4,752/4,752 (+500)*

MP: 608/608

STR: 75 (+22)*

AGI: 69

VIT: 66

INT: 33

WILL: 19

CON: 72 (+22)*

Skills: Analyze (Lv. 76), Surveyor (Lv. 52), Cleave (Lv. 45), Bash (Lv. 44), Fast Slash (Lv. 35), Growl (Lv. 17), 

Spells: Druid Grove, Polymorph

"What happened to my stats!" Thaddeus shouted in shock.

"Shh, you'll spook the deer. Your stat screen shows your bear stats, not your human ones. Only the skills you can use as a bear are shown. Your health, strength, and constitution should have a modifier. The modifier should equate to bear age. That's why I told you not to concern yourself with strength or constitution because it will grow relative to your age. That's why agility is the most important stat to cultivate," Dhruvah lectured.

"But why is my class locked?" Thaddeus asked worriedly.

"You're too young to have a class, cub. Only adults can obtain classes in this world. When you reach adulthood. You're Druidcraft class will be displayed."

'I'm a kid again. How weird. Alfred, what's the age of adulthood for bears?" Thaddeus checked.

"Sir, the age of adulthood varies by species of bear. Giant Brown Bears generally reach adulthood at age 80," Alfred informed him.

'80! But that's so old,' Thaddeus complained.

"Sir, most Giant Brown Bears live up to 200 years."

"Dhruvah, how old are you?" Thaddeus asked.

"This spring, I'll be 212 years old," he replied.


Thaddeus wished he never asked that question. He was growing fond of his mentor, and he couldn't bear to have him leave.

"Now listen, I want you to attack that deer. When you're near, use your skills to cleave and fast slash to kill it."

"But elder, I don't have my axe."

"Look at your paw, at your claws. Bears can activate those skills with their paws. Unlike humans who use tools, as a bear, your body is a weapon. It's important to learn how to use your body. Enough talking attack!" Dhruvah encouraged.

Running out from the thicket like a missile, Thaddeus bounded for the injured deer. The first thing Thaddeus noticed; he ran faster on four legs than he did with two. In less than a minute, his speed reached 30 miles an hour. He looked like a small SUV barreling out of the woods, hurdling to a shocked deer. The deer looked up just as Thaddeus bashed into deer, steamrolling it onto the hard frozen ground. Using his body like a shield, he momentarily stunned the deer, before using flash slash and cleave to end the deer's life.

"Clumsy, but effective," Dhruvah complimented. "Now, let's eat!"

"Elder, do you want to field dress and cook the deer?" Thaddeus asked looking at the bloody body.

"No, you need to get used to eating raw meat. Bears do not cook food like humans, we consume our prey. Don't be squeamish, a bear's body can digest raw meat. Hurry up, rip the skin and meat from the bones. Be sure to eat the liver and kidneys, they're a delicacy. Come let's eat together, it's been a while since I ate meat," Dhruvah said ripping off a piece of flesh.

Thaddeus put his nose, over the deer carcass. The recent kill smelt delicious, and he could feel his mouth drooling. But the idea of eating raw deer, made him want to vomit.

Eventually, the pleasant smell and his growing hunger overwhelmed him. He ripped off the deer's hindquarters. The raw meat melted in the mouth, soothing his growling stomach. He continued to eat, not caring about the smell of blood around his nose and mouth. Before he knew it, he and Dhruvah ate all the flesh from the carcass.

"Well done, cub. The first hunt is an achievement for every cub. Knowing how to hunt is a part of your survival. Remember, longevity and strength are correlated. Let's drink some river water and head back to your cabin. I'll quiz you along the way to see how much you remember.

On the way back to the cabin, Thaddeus missed as many shrubs as he got right. But thanks to the quiz he increased his Herbalism Skill to Level 2.

When they returned to the cabin, Dhruvah laid down to rest. With his eyes closed, he told Thaddeus, "Go home to your mate. I'll see you tomorrow. Tomorrow, I'll teach you how to track prey and how to navigate the forest with a compass.