
"This is not the kind of situation we want, nor need. This is what we were trying to avoid!" Biegon shouted. Then stopped taking a breath and looked at the group before him. They had come back a few days ago and were in bad shape. Three men had been killed and six more injured in the werewolf attack.

"This being, that none of you haven't been able to peg down, is causing us serious problems. He's slowly putting events in motion and who knows for how long. Those in higher classes are now moving together. They are not hiding and attacking in the shadows as much as we would like."

"But they are still being silent about their movements to the rest of the world," Riley said.

"Of course they are! We outnumber them, bring their existence to light right now and there will be panic. People will demand action and we don't have the manpower right now to create on a global scale. We don't even understand how to defeat all of them. It is a serious problem that we are just now becoming aware of this." Biegon looked at the group. "Any ideas on how to get this one being if he is the catalyst?" Kendra just sat with her arms crossed.

"I don't think that he's a leader or anything. I think he's just motivating them, so taking him away isn't going to stop this." Kendra said. Which she believed, he was very smart. He knew that to accomplish what he wanted, he needed those around him to idolize an idea, not a being. Probably why it was only really gaining traction now, it took time.

"You Kendra had a chance to do something, to get a hold of him, twice now and you let him go. It doesn't matter if he's just motivating them, he's a problem. Plus it's clear he has no love of humans, you said so yourself." What the hell? Kendra was shocked at his statement.

"First off," Kendra said angrily, seeing that Biegon was giving her a nasty angry look. "I was in a bar full of civilians alone when he approached me the first time. The second time, I had an arrow sticking out of me and was concentrating energy on healing. I was in no shape to take someone of his caliber. I am not at the level to take a ten. I'm not endowed with abilities like he is."

"You still failed just as the rest did in keeping the wolves." The group was silent. This was the bigger issue.

"Perhaps we should work at some kind of truce with these beings. Going after them is just going to make it worse and it's clear that with us pushing them so hard they are feeling cornered and starting to come at us." The group looked at Derrick. Derrick just met their gaze solidly. He agreed with Kendra to a point. They were going about this wrong.

"We make a pact with them, they'll still move to overtake us," Biegon said making a motion with his hand. "However I think we must admit that we need extra help. As much as I'm loath to admit it from their side. We need more nonhumans."

"Meaning?" Riley asked. "We already have Kendra, she at least is decent to work with." She turned to look at him, he didn't even glance at her. Asshole, nice of him to say after he shot her, granted she jumped in front of it to stop him.

"Even if she shows weakness at inopportune times." And there it was. What a dick.

"Right because killing them would have done us a favor. Instead of the werewolves leaving they would have made to kill all of us." Kendra added.

"Better to take a few with us." She made a snort and Biegon held up his hand.

"It doesn't matter. We have a few that will help us." Biegon gestured to the door and came five men. They all looked of Japanese descent and one perhaps more Korean. Kendra eyed them all and knew that two were not human. The facility in Eastern Asia was sending help and they were good at trapping and using supernaturals. Had been doing it for some time. One wasn't a being she would ever consider to be on a side but their own.

"I am Lang Myioto." He said with a slight accent. Kendra wasn't sure that was his real name, to be honest, just one he gave them to use. "The organization that we are with has been doing much the same thing that you have. We have noticed in Asia there has been a sudden rise of beings making it more difficult on us to catch or destroy them. Many blending into society making it harder to track them."

"Lang thinks he knows what we may be up against. Though details are very scarce with this being, as it is incredibly rare. Hasn't been seen in over four hundred years, was the last recorded killing of one."

"Well, what is it?" Bryce asked when no one spoke.

"A dragon, we are most certain." There was a brief pause. While they were batting the idea around it was another to hear it confirmed. None of them thought that this would be what a dragon was.

"He doesn't look like a dragon, are they shapeshifters?" Kendra asked.

"We've been dealing with a man, though he does have an animal with him." Derrick piped in leaning forward.

"They aren't shapeshifters, a dragon is a dragon. However old tales mentioned that many dragons had what looked like a human companion in the past. I'm sure this is no different."

"He's not human, I know it. I don't think he's ever been human." Kendra commented and Lang gave a nod.

"Then I believe you, seeing as you were so close to him. We believe that he may be the last, seeing that there have been no sightings at all. They are very dangerous and extremely powerful. It has long been believed that dragons are centers of energy, of course, we wouldn't know unless it was tested."

"So how do you kill it?" Kendel asked and there was a murmur of agreement. Kendra kept her mouth closed. If he was the last, why did they feel he should be annihilated?

"We… don't really know," Lang answered.

"So what are you here for?" Riley asked.

"Because you need us, we can draw energies away and weaken the beast." The man that looked Korean said. Kendra hated him on the spot, but that was how she felt about all demons.

"That and we think we may have an idea," Lang said. "That past reports say that the human and the dragon attached to it died whenever the other did. There is no record of how they managed to kill the dragons in the past. All records pertaining to dragons were destroyed by the last one known to exist. She we know was killed after being drained by a demon. A few humans managed to attack and remove her head. The dragon that was with her killed hundreds before it finally fell dead to the ground. At least according to eyewitness reports."

"Wait, so you do know how to kill it?"

"No we don't know how to kill the dragon, we know how to kill its counterpart. It's safe to assume that the counterpart is the weak spot. The dragon was hit with all sorts of weapons and its skin never broke."

Kendra thought back to the story of what Biegon had told them. The dragon that had been killed in that town, in that story the man had still been alive. Did they have it wrong? Had the man been the one with the hole in his chest, not the dragon?

"And who are we working with?" Riley asked. "Which is the demon we will need."

"Jin here is our demon helper." Jin raised his hand and had a crooked smile. Was he being smart with his name? Jin like a evil genie Djinn? Kendra liked him even less.

"How are we supposed to trust a demon?" Riley piped up. "I won't put my men in danger of being attacked."

"Don't worry, this is a permanent body," Jin stated.

"Unless it's destroyed, then you become a possessor," Kendra said and he gave a slight bow of his head.

"Correct, but I'm not worried, I've been here for a very long time."

"What payment is there for working with a demon?" Derrick asked.

"I get to feed from those that you catch. Perfect setup if you ask me. You catch them and I have a wonderful buffet set out. Of course, I don't need to kill all of them, not if you have enough." Kendra felt sick and looked at the other two.

"Niki here is a vampire, and Ky is my weapon specialist," Lang said and the group looked at Niki, it was still daylight out. Niki seemed to read their expressions.

"I am very old. Near a thousand." Kendra looked at him, he had a kind of rigidness to him and no one really questioned why he was working for them. Seeing they had vampires that did work here as well. Kendra wondered, because all the vampires that worked with her, were young those that knew people working here. Never one this old, she had a feeling there was more to his story than met the eye.

"These are your new work partners, we have a new headquarters set up for you. We will be having a bit smaller profile in that town. However, you will be moving to exterminate the supernatural that will not be controlled. If we have to go city by city, house by house we will."

"What are we making a registry?" Lee said with a slight laugh.

"Exactly, obviously this is for the ones that directly mingle with humans. As for the ones that are more animal-like and don't have cognitive thoughts, we will just continue to capture them where need be. You are dismissed, and be ready to leave shortly."

They all left and got ready to go, Kendra found herself sitting in the familiar chairs waiting to board her plane. After a bit, everyone was there and they were getting on board, she slept once more for most of the flight and was zoning out for the drive. Her dreams were a bit chaotic and this possible dragon man kept creeping into them. Not all the dreams were bad and it was starting to frustrate her a bit. However as they got closer to their destination and where they thought he was, Kendra felt this excitement pick up. She didn't admit it out loud but she really wanted to talk to this man again. She had a feeling she was most definitely going to.